USA Southwest Road Trip Diaries – Chapter 1. Arches & Canyonlands National Parks

If you are planning to make a big road trip to Southwest soon, this series of post about that exact idea may interest you.


30 hours maneuvering steering wheel and face glued on the sun gleaming road where speed limit signs are as frequently seen as rest area at every 50 miles or so between vast desert and epic monuments of rock formation; we were on the road for the trip of lifetime. If everything goes well, we will cover roughly 1,741 miles stretch of this beautiful country in 9 days. Some may say, for what purpose? I can reply to that question with big smile on my face. Well, looking back on this event in next 10 years I will probably not regret as much as I would if I hadn’t take the chance.

The plan (if you can even call it as one) came about randomly in the month prior and we basically had no concrete idea except for our desire to travel through the desert and chase the wild life in ever so expansive States of Utah and Arizona. Eventually, and rather naturally, that plan has extended to include 3 more States on our radar: Idaho, Montana, and Wyoming. This plan was to cover all five National Parks in Utah and Yellowstone National Park as well as other essential sites that probably every avid traveler has pinned down on their travelers journal.

Idea was simple: Fly to Salt Lake City and pick up rental car and start from there. I have composed Google doc with daily summary, points of interest, basic driving direction, essential information about each park, and checklist of items to bring and shared the document among the group to view and edit. We all shared responsibilities to book accommodation and other tour services one week prior to departure.

Here’s our plan that was mapped out for 9 days:

(Red pin is where we started and blue line indicates our route of choice. In the beginning we drove south to Arches National Park and made a big clockwise loop stopping at 5 National Parks in Utah as well as Monument Valley and Antelope Canyon. After Capitol Reef National Park we drove back to Salt Lake City passing through Fish Lake National Forest and continued north to Yellowstone National Park and back.)

The Beginning of Epic Road Trip

On Friday, we arrived at Salt Lake City close to 7:30pm. Picked up rental car at the airport and did grocery shopping at local supermarket and headed south on highway 15 to 70 to approach Arches National Park and Canyonlands National Park. If I may give you a quick advise, I would definitely recommend stocking up on water and food before starting the journey. We bought 4 cartons of 4L water as well as cookies, fig bars, and other hearty snacks to keep our fuels going.

It was past midnight when we reached the lodge near Monticello, UT (within Needles District in Canyonlands National Park) so the only available source of entertainment among us was the unfurling stars in pitch black skies. It was the perfect welcome gift from the land of great national parks! We had some trouble in the beginning though, the lodge got really cold (it was a tipi in the middle of desert) and the group was barely able to catch a sleep. Alas, we had to give up on the idea of resting and left the campground before dawn for Arches National Park to catch the very first sunrise of this road trip.

arches, national parks, utah, roadtrip, roadtripusa, adventure

We entered Arches National Park before the break of dawn and headed to Delicate Arch Trailhead for sunrise hike. Delicate Arch is one of the most famous arches in Utah, which also happens to be the trademark of Utah’s car plate. We took 1.5 mile trail that leads to the facade of symbolic arch formation.

Delicate Arch

Although the trail is only 3 miles out and back, the way to Delicate Arch involves many inclines. The trail is also quite wide and lacks clear trail marks so you can easily take the harder way than the others to the arch. The trail is very popular so there is probably no chance of getting lost but these are something to keep in mind. Also, bring at least 2L of water and stay hydrated.

The sun was already out when we got to Delicate Arch which made the photography easier and gave us opportunity to adjust camera setting proper for the light.

Delicate Arch hike is one of the must-do activities in this beautiful national park full of amazing rock formation. There are many other appealing landmarks within the park such as Balanced Rock, Double Arch, and Elephant Butt which are easily accessible via vehicles and least amount of walking. However, the best one is tucked away in the northern end of the park: Landscape Arch and Double O Arch!

arches, national parks, utah, roadtrip, roadtripusa, adventure
Landscape Arch and Double O Arch

(4.5 mi. Out and Back from Devils Garden Trailhead / 2.5 Hours)

First and foremost, bring lots of water. Each hiker should carry at least 2-3L. If you only have half a day in the park, then this hike is probably the best one to commit to. This trail offers many unique characteristics of this park: (1) Amazing red rock formation and slot canyons to peel your eyes, (2) dramatic semi-rock climbing adventure with breathtaking panorama views, (3) awesome lunch spot on top of rocks with perfect view of Landscape Arch in front of you! and of course, (4) arches and more ARCHES!

Hike to Landscape Arch is rated easy on the park’s website, and it is reasonably so because you will be walking mostly on flat ground until the trail starts to go up on thrusting red rocks towards Devils Garden.

After passing through Landscape Arch the hike to Double O Arch suddenly becomes difficult as you will be forced to switch on Indiana Jones mode to climb up rocks and face the fear of height (just kidding, it’s not that bad). The reward of braving up on towering rock is priceless as you can see from these pictures. You can see the world in distance from the summit and it will surely give you undisturbed moment of peaceful silence to ponder upon your small existence. It’s truly reflective stuff.

arches, national parks, utah, roadtrip, roadtripusa, adventure

Double O Arch is technically not the end of this trail and it can be made into longer loop, but we decided that getting to the arch was already an amazing accomplishment. Double O Arch is unique formation of two separate arches that complement to create one perfect circle. Find the good spot to take the portrait inside the circle.
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The way back from Double O Arch to the trailhead also offered different view. Interestingly enough, even the same path we came from looked quite different and fresh. We are now facing downwards and seeing more details on rocks below. One big impression I had from Arches National Park was the detail and color of rocks that appear differently from the way sunlight hits the surfaces. I am no geologist but can definitely appreciate this nature’s magic.

So we had pretty amazing day at Arches National Park and headed to the neighboring Canyonlands National Park for more goodness and sunset to close the day.

canyonlands, national parks, utah, roadtrip, roadtripusa, adventure

Island in the Sky :: Canyonlands National Park

Drive from Arches National Park to Island in the Sky Visitors Center (how cool is the name of this place?) only took us about 40 minutes and from there it took about another 20 minutes to Grand View Point that oversees the epic gorges of canyons. We got to the view point before sunset and spent good one hour to take photos of this mind blowing beauty of place.

The sun was slowly setting on the West side of canyons.
We drove to Mesa Arch to take a good looks at this popular site in time for sunset.

canyonlands, national parks, utah, roadtrip, roadtripusa, adventure canyonlands, national parks, utah, roadtrip, roadtripusa, adventure
Mesa Arch is better known for the sunrise viewing spot which made total sense to me once I saw how the arch’s face is open to the East side. Nonetheless, it was still beautiful enough to set up tripod to record time lapse and gaze at changing colors of land formation.

Our first day on the road was very successful and my heart was soaring high for the anticipation to see what awaits in the next destination. The road story continues…

(to be continued)







Useful Links:

Hiking Trails in Arches National Park
Activity ideas in Canyonlands National Park
“America the Beautiful Pass” AKA Road Trip Surviver’s Kit

《アメリカ南西部》ロードトリップで全部巡ろう! 第1弾 ~アーチズ国立公園・キャニオンランズ国立公園~








赤いピンがロードトリップの出発点となったソルトレイクシティ。ここから南のArches National Parkへ車を走らせ青いルートを時計回りにぐるっと回りました。このループ内には5つの国立公園が点在しており、その他にも多数の途中下車ポイントがありました。ロードトリップ後半は再びソルトレイクシティから北のワイオミング州にあるイエローストーン国立公園を訪問しました。)






arches, national parks, utah, roadtrip, roadtripusa, adventureDelicate Arch

暖房の効いた車でうとうとしながら走ること1時間ほど、アーチズ国立公園に到着しました。時間は午前7時ごろ。公園のゲートは24時間体制で開放されていますが、受付は8時まで無人状態だったのでそのままスルー。朝焼けで有名なスポットDelicate Archの駐車場まで向かいました。

Delicate Archはユタ州の車のナンバープレートにも描かれているアーチズ国立公園の代表的なアーチ岩で、車でも結構簡単に見に行くことができます。ルートは二通りあって遠目から眺望する展望台は駐車場からすぐ近くですが、一番定番なのが往復4キロ強のDelicate Arch Trailを歩いてアーチの目の前まで行くこと。行きは登りが多く、山歩きに慣れていないと少々苦戦するかもしれませんが、視界がパーッと晴れて堂々とそびえ立つアーチが目の前に現れたときの感動は大きなものです!日中は特に気温も高くなるので水分補給のために水は一人2リットルから3リットルは持参するようにしましょうね。


Delicate Archの他にも様々な姿をしたアーチ岩の群衆が見られるアーチズ国立公園ですが、特に車でも簡単に近づけるBalanced RockやDouble Archなどは観光客で賑わっていました。もし限られた時間でこの公園の魅力を最大限に味わえる場所に行きたいのであれば、やや難易度は高いですがハイキングでLandscape ArchDouble O Archまで行ってみることをお勧めします。某アメリカの旅雑誌でもベスト5に選ばれたハイキングコースですが、ここでは公園の特徴的な赤い岩や洪水で岩が削られ出来た切り立った谷を抜けながらDelicate Arch以上にデリケートで繊細な形をしたLandscape Archと上下対象のアーチ岩が円形を作り出しているDouble O Archの二つを見ることが出来ます。見晴らしのいい展望台も多いコースなので、ここ一箇所だけでもかなり色々見れます。

arches, national parks, utah, roadtrip, roadtripusa, adventureLandscape ArchDouble O Arch
(Devils Garden Trailhead駐車場から約7km / 所要時間 約2時間半)

アーチズ国立公園の北の一番奥にあるDevils Gardenの駐車場から開始するハイキングコースです。水は必ず持って行きましょう!Devils Garden Trail(悪魔たちの庭)と何とも恐ろしい名前ですが、Landscape Archに向かう最初の2.5キロはほとんど平坦な道のりなので案外ラクラク。Landscape Archの目の前には大きな岩が空に向かって突き上がっていて、この上でお昼ご飯を食べたり休憩すると最高です。

Landscape Archを通り過ぎてさらに先に進むと今度は岩場が広がり、斜面を登っていくポイントがあります。ここがこのハイキングコースの最初の難所で、200-300メートルほど岩をよじ登っていくことになります。よじ登るといっても両手両足を使わないと上がれない場所はあまり無いので、ある程度運動神経があれば問題なく上がれます。岩場を乗り越えると後方にはLandscape Archと広大な砂漠の風景が広がりジワジワと感動をそそります!

コースをさらに進んでいくと、両側とも切り立った崖の上を歩くポイントがあるので高所恐怖症の場合は要注意。しかし見晴らしはとても良く、地平線の向こうまで見えるのではないかという眺望です。Double O Archという看板が見えたらゴールはもう目の前。岩場を少しずつ下っていくと左手側にダイナミックなO型のアーチが!

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Double O Archはその名の「O」が示すとおり、上下対象のアーチが見事な円形を描く自然の力が生み出した芸術作品です。このアーチ一つ一つが何百何千年という時を経て岩の風化と洪水の力で出来上がったのかと思うと座り込んでじっくりといつまでも眺めていたくなります。アーチをくぐって反対側まで行くとその綺麗な円形をしっかりとカメラに納められる場所がありますので記念撮影も忘れずに。

Double O Archを後に来た道を引き返していくとまた違った景色が見れて感動を呼びます。最初は岩の上に向かっていたために気が付かなかった下方の岩の群集や、遠目に見えるLandscape Archの姿。そして岩の表面に浮き彫りにされた波紋模様など新しい発見がたくさんあります。アーチズ国立公園は其処にいるだけで大地の息吹を感じ取れる、奇妙でいてどこか懐かしい大自然の庭のような場所でした。

最後に観光案内所に行き国立公園の年間パス「America the Beautiful Pass」を$80でゲットしてキャニオンランズ国立公園へ。綺麗な夕陽が見れるかどうか?

canyonlands, national parks, utah, roadtrip, roadtripusa, adventureIsland in the Sky :: Canyonlands National Park

アーチズ国立公園から40分ほどのドライブでキャニオンランズ国立公園の北部にあるIsland in the Sky(天空の島)の観光案内所に到着。そこから更に20分掛けてキャニオンランズを一望できるGrand View Point展望台へ。ここIsland in the Skyはその名前のとおり、まるで空の上から下界を見渡すようなダイナミックな景色が衝撃的でした。キャニオンランズ国立公園の最大の特徴は大地をえぐり取ったような深い渓谷群のみせるスケールの大きさで、展望台の崖の淵から底を覗き込むと岸壁の層が経過した時間をしっかりとその場所に記録しているように見えました。

Grand View Pointで絶景を堪能した後は日没を見るためにMesa Archへ。

canyonlands, national parks, utah, roadtrip, roadtripusa, adventure canyonlands, national parks, utah, roadtrip, roadtripusa, adventure

残念ながらMesa Archはアーチの窓が東の方角に開いているため日没にはあまり向いていない場所でした。しかし沈む太陽の淡い光を受けた岩壁が少しずつ色を変えていく様子はとても綺麗で、カメラを三脚にセットしてタイムラプスの撮影をしながら、薄いオレンジからピンクそして藍色にゆっくりと変化していくキャニオンランズの景色を眺めました。



PART 2 :: モニュメント・バレーへの道!

PART 3 :: ロウアーアンテロープキャニオンとザイオン国立公園!

PART 4 :: ブライスキャニオン国立公園!

PART 5 :: キャピトルリーフ国立公園とボンヴィル塩湖!

PART 6 :: イエローストーン国立公園!




