#004 – Cooking: Chicken Cordon Bleu

Today, I’d like to share the world some easy cooking recipe.

Chicken Cordon Bleu (2-3 serving)

– 1lb chicken breast.
– flour.
– bread crumbs (panko).
– 2 eggs.
– cheese (I use Monterey jack).
– ham (I use Canadian bacon).
– toothpicks to hold the stuffing together.
– salt & pepper.
– butter.
– canola oil.
– tomato sauce (I used traditional marinara from Trader Joe’s ®)

– vegetables for stir fry (side dish).

STEP 1: Prepare the Chicken Cordon Bleu.
Slice open chicken breasts into flat sheets like yoga mats. Dice up cheese and hams into considerable size to wrap them up in the chicken sheets—* Wrap wrap wrap*—like how I am doing in the video.

Once the chicken/cheese/hams are rolled up, hold them together with toothpicks (otherwise they will rebel against you and fall apart during the proceeding steps). Garnish the chickens with salt, pepper, and flour and dunk ‘em into beaten eggs. Yeah, that’s right… dressed them well in nice yellow layer!
Finally, powder the chickens with bread crumbs (panko) and you are done with the trickiest part of cooking!001

STEP 2: Cooking the Chicken Cordon Bleu.
Heat the frying pan and melt butter and canola oil. Grill the chickens until both sides are brown. If you use the lid over the pan the chickens will get grilled thoroughly and quicker.
Preheat the oven to 325F and stick the chickens into the oven to bake the cheese and meats thoroughly. Estimate baking time is 25-30minutes depending on how well the content is heated. Use knife or food thermometer to check when the chicken is ready. That’s pretty much it for the main dish!
STEP 3: Prepare the tomato sauce and vegetable stir fries.
While the chickens are in the oven, let’s prepare the tomato sauce and vegetable stir fries for side. 004003
I used Trader Giotto’s Traditional Marinara Sauce which has everything essential to Italian cuisine aside from tomatoes (basil, oregano, garlic). Put a small cube of butter in small sauce pan and heat the sauce *low heat* with bits of cut dried plums and Worcester sauce.
While the sauce slowly sizzles, reheat the frying pan that you used to grill the chicken earlier and stir fry vegetables (I used green peas, zucchini, and minced garlic in the video).

Here’s how the finished dish looks like:
BONUS:  If you want more carbs I recommend dicing up sweet potatoes (Japanese satsuma yam) and boil them in water with small amount of salt and coconut oil. This is very friendly match to Poached Egg Quest style Cordon Bleu. [end]

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+ R E C I P E +

トマトソース(Trader Joe’s ® のTraditional Marinara が簡単でおすすめです)


STEP 1: 下ごしらえ

STEP 2: 調理方法
フライパンにバターと野菜油を熱して、STEP 1で準備した鶏肉を両面がこんがりと茶色くなるまで焼きます。フライパンを覆える蓋のような道具があれば、全体に火が届きやすく調理時間も削減できるのでおすすめです。鶏肉にしっかりと火が通るまで焼いてください。

STEP 3: トマトソースと添え物の準備
上の段階で鶏肉をオーブンで温めている間に今度はトマトソースと付け合せの野菜炒めの調理を行いましょう。トマトソースはTrader Joe’s ® で売っているTrader Giotto’s Traditional Marinara Sauceが即席で作るには一番簡単なのでおすすめです。基本的に市販されているパスタソースなどにはトマトとバジルとオレガノが入っているので何でもオーケーです。僕のちょっとしたアレンジとしてはこのソースにバター少量とウスターソース、刻んだ干しプラムを加えて弱火で煮詰めます。このソースをオーブンで焼き上げたチキン・コルドン・ブルー(そうこの時点で鶏肉はもう美しいコルドン・ブルーに変身していることでしょう)にたっぷりかけて召し上がってください。004003




#003 – Italian Street Painting Marin (San Rafael, CA)

Perhaps my first (improper) introduction to street art was the documentary film Exit Through the Gift Shop that showed the rise and fall fame of its practitioners. Although the definition of street arts associating with guerrilla-style stencil tags may be far-off from traditional fine arts; I find the concept of spontaneous mural “painting” was visually compelling and also quite thought provoking. In the Bay Area, there is a certain event that beautifully blurs the line between street arts and fine arts.

On the sunny day of June, I crossed the Golden Gate Bridge to reach Marin County to catch the annual Italian Street Painting festival that took place in downtown San Rafael.

Italian Street Painting Marin is non-profit event organized every year that showcases the fine art of street painting and supports quality arts-based programs in Marin County (excerpted from the organization’s website). Over one weekend of summer, artists from all over the world gather to paint the streets in colorful chalks. Streets become artists’ canvas and the blocks of downtown transform into imagination’s playground.

The moment I parked my car on C Street (thanks to the person who peeled out from the meter just as I made a turn into the busy street) the liveliness of art community in San Rafael has welcomed me with  warm embrace. It was quite evident to see the bloom of art culture in this part of town as I walked past the art supply store and old school cinema sign shimmering in daylight. Unlike extremely gentrified side of San Francisco, downtown San Rafael was chic with good small town vibe (Hint: less hipstery).

00100080At first I was not sure if I can locate the event easily, but as I made a turn on A Street towards 5th Avenue the big event banner quickly confirmed my sense of direction wasn’t all that bad. Right in front of the main entrance was kids zone where a flock of children was avidly doodling the pictures coming straight out from their imagination. 00086 002 003

When I arrived at the event around noon on Saturday, most of the canvas–small sections of the road reserved by sponsors for artists–was blank and all I could see was slight blueprints of what to be realized in next two days. Browsing through these empty canvases was also interesting act, and I quite enjoyed guessing the elements that lead up to the complete work. 004 006 007 008 009010Each artist was wearing long brimmed hats and because of the direct sun from the above their faces were hidden under the dark cast of shadows. This imagery somehow synchronized with the theme of masquerade that I have witnessed in almost every painting as well as occasional appearance of masked persona throughout the event. 011 012 013 014015 016 017 018 019020 021

It was unfortunate that I was not able to stay at the event until the end to witness the completed works, but the process of painting was truly awe inspiring and I quite enjoyed the conversation with some of the artists. These chalk arts will only be there for the weekend and will get erased in time, but knowing its ephemeral life span also makes this event an “experience.” It is almost like watching the aurora borealis that you can only glance at it when you are lucky to win the nature’s whimsical favor. Being there at the very moment was an experience. Who knows, one of the artists in this video might be BANKSY in disguise… but then again, nobody needs to know that to be part of the experience.

For full list of artists participated this year’s event please visit here.

Highly recommended event to follow. [end]

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先日はサンフランシスコの北対岸に位置するサンラファエルの町まで、Italian Street Painting Marinなるイベントに行ってきました。


