Category Archives: Cooking & Food

Cooking is meditation for your soul and body.

[Recipe] Make Delicious Indian-Inspired Chicken Curry At Home!

Do you like curry? I have to admit, curry rice is my favorite food of all time and its one of few cooking that I can eat at any time of day on any season. I can eat curry everyday. My wife thinks I’m crazy.

Today, I’d like to share some amazing recipe that I have stumbled upon on Japanese website that changed my homemade curry game FOREVER. Since the original website is all in Japanese, I figured it will be good idea to share the recipe in English as I go through the cooking. This is recipe you do not want to miss.

This recipe has two important key words. Speed and stir. No matter what, do not stop stirring the pot as it will cause the ingredients to burn and it will end in bad results e.g., burnt stock pot and smoke alarm beats your eardrums to deaf. Always keep your eyes on the pot and stir. stir. stir. non-stop. Ok?

Please note my recipe calls for 8 servings because I am lazy this curry is absolutely delicious and the original recipe only calls for 4 serving worth of ingredients, which I can guarantee, is never enough. Trust me. That being said, if you wish to make trial size dish go ahead and half the ingredients.

Ingredients (for 8 servings):
[A] — These are spices for aroma.
・2 Sticks Whole Cinnamon
・8g Whole Cloves
・8g Whole Green Cardamom
・4 Bay Leaves
・12g Ground Brown Cardamom (Use whole spice if you can find them. I couldn’t find it at my store)

[B] — These are spices for taste.
・12g Ground Chili Powder.
・12g Ground Coriander Seeds.
・12g Turmeric.
・34g Salt.

・2 1/2 large Yellow Onion.
・2 Cloves of Garlic.
・40g Fresh Ginger.
・2 Tomatoes.

・4lbs. Chicken Thighs.
・1 1/2 tbsp Yogurt.
・5 Potatoes.

・4 Green Thai Chili Peppers.
・10g Fresh Cilantro (Coriander).

・Water (about 500-1000g)

Here’s some tip: It will make your life significantly easier if you arrange the ingredients in the order of use. From closest↓ to the furthest↑, left→to→right. This way you can quickly grab the ingredients to add to pot without pausing.


1. Prepare the ingredients. This step is the most time consuming yet the most important part of the recipe. Play some good cooking music and enjoy.

Specific cutting instructions are captioned under the pictures below.

Plate spice ingredients [A] and [B] ideally in a separate plate for each but you can also use two big plates, one to put all the spices [A] and the other plate for spices [B].
Chop potatoes to about 1 cubic inch pieces.
Vegetables [C] [E]: Mince onion, garlic, tomatoes, ginger, cilantro, and chili peppers into small bits.
Remove skin and chop chicken to small chunks about 1-inch size. Put them in a big bowl and marinate with 1 1/2 tbsp yogurt. This will make chicken extra tender!

2. Get the biggest stock pot available and heat 150ml vegetable oil until it gets very hot. Fry the spice in group [A]. Stir stir stir non-stop. Keep stirring until spice pops. Do not let them burn. Goal here is to let the whole spices open to release the aroma.

3. Add onion. Keep stirring. Fry it until the edges start to get crispy. Again, stir non-stop so the content do not get burn. Burning is bad.

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4. Add [C] garlic then tomatoes then ginger. Keep stirring until everything is well mixed.

5. Add spices in group [B] — Ground spices are taste agents for your delicious curry. Again, do not burn the content! Keep stirring and cook down the ingredients. You want to boil out as much water as possible. Once the consistency become somewhat like thick paint add chicken.

6. Lower the fire and use your muscle and excellent spatula work to mix the content. Turn the entire content with spatula thoroughly to douse the chicken with delicious spice paste. Bring the fire to high and keep stirring until the chicken is fully cooked. …Remember that key word?

7. Now add potatoes and turn the content with spatula, vigorously. Once the potatoes are well seasoned with spices add the water just enough to cover the ingredients inside the pot like floating islands. See the picture above for reference. Add [E] chili peppers and cilantro and bring the pot to boil. Once the pot reaches boiling point bring the fire down to low and cover. Shimmer for 15 minutes or until potatoes are thoroughly cooked.


Serve the curry on hot steamy rice and enjoy!

For the starter, it might be easier to keep the fire at medium/high to avoid burning (because this can be tricky especially for the first 2 steps). Overall cooking takes around 15 to 20 minutes (plus 15+ minutes for the final step) but depending on the amount of liquid in the vegetables and meat it may take longer to get the perfect spice consistency in step 5. Amount of water you need to top off the pot (step 7) varies depending on the hydration level. You never need the exact amount of water on the recipe and its better not to overdo it. I have tried this recipe multiple of times and every time I’ve tried it gets different hydration level but the end result always is amazing if you get the steps right. Perhaps this is the beauty of curry and it is the core source of wonder that excites me to consume this delicious dish.

Curry changes flavor over time once the temperature comes down and spices are well rested. So you can enjoy subtle differences in flavor. Please let me know how your turns out and share this post if you liked it! Cheers.



私の住んでいるサンフランシスコはカリフォルニア州の北部の港町で、カニやイワシや雲丹など様々な海産物が採れます。観光名所のFishermans Wharf(サンフランシスコ港に設けられた倉庫街)ではそれらの海産物を食せるのですが、中でもクラムチャウダーが一番の人気です。クラムチャウダーはアサリをジャガイモや牛乳と一緒にじっくり煮込んだスープで、アメリカ東海岸のボストンの名物として有名です。ここサンフランシスコではクラムチャウダーをサワードゥ・ブレッドの器に注いで食すのが定番となっています。サンフランシスコにはアメリカ開拓時代からサワードゥ・ブレッドを主食とする文化がずっと続いているのです。


サワードゥ・ブレッドは牛乳や卵といった動物から由来する食物を一切使用しないのでVegan Foodとしても強い関心が持たれています。サワードゥの種は家庭でも簡単に作れるので、今回はこの種の作り方を簡単に説明した後に、家庭でサンフランシスコ風のサワードゥ・ブレッドを作る方法を写真と一緒にお送りしたいと思います!


サワードゥの種を作るのには小麦粉と水を混ぜ合わせ、一定の温度(大体20℃から25℃くらいが最適です)に保ちながら定期的に内容の半分を捨て→新たに混ぜ合わせた小麦粉と水を足していく作業を一週間掛けて行い熟成させていきます。「種」の元となる小麦粉と水の分量は1カップ: 1/2カップが目安です。これをカバーできるガラス瓶やプラスチック製の容器に混ぜ合わせたものが「種」の第一歩になります。容器はラップや布でカバーできるもの、蓋が付いているもの、最低でも1リットルの容量があるものであればなんでも構いません。金属製のものは菌の活動に影響が出るので出来るだけ避けた方が良いです。「種」となる菌は呼吸しますので、蓋やカバーは緩めに締めてあげてください。







□ 円周20センチ以上のボウル
□ ダッチオーブン(あるいはオーブン加熱の可能な鉄窯)
□ 計量器
□ ワックスペーパー


□ 熟成させ泡立ちが豊かなサワードゥの種…50g
□ 水(26℃)…350g
□ 強力粉…500g
□ 塩(粒子の細かい天然塩がおすすめです)…15g



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Cooking: Omurice with Demi-Glace Sauce


Omurice with Demi-Glace Sauce from Kosuke Haga on Vimeo.

:: OMURICE w/ Special demi-glace sauce ::

+ Ingredients +

【Omurice for 2 eaters.】
1/4 onion
3 oz. chicken thigh
Salt and pepper
2 big scoops (11 oz.) of steamed rice
4 tbsp. ketchup
Minced parsley (2 tbsp)
Vegetable oil
4 eggs
2 tbsp. milk

【Demi-glace sauce】
1-piece of garlic
2 tbsp. sugar
3 tbsp. ketchup
1 tbsp. balsamic vinegar
1 tbsp. Worcester sauce
2 tbsp. soy sauce
2-pieces of dried prune


STEP 1 :: Preparing the base ingredients.

  • Mince the onion into 1/2 inches tiny pieces.
  • Remove the fat and chop up chicken thigh to bite size.
  • Mince parsley into tiny particles.
  • Crack 4 eggs into a bowl, add milk and whisk them until white and yolks are well blended.

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STEP 2 :: Make chicken rice.

  • Melt the butter on medium sized sauce pan at high fire, once the sizzling starts fry onion and chicken.
  • Once the chicken and onion are thoroughly cooked, add salt and pepper then lower the fire to medium and add rice.
  • After the humidity in rice gets evaporated, add 4 tbsp of ketchup and blend the content very well. Finally, add parsley and mix well.
  • Stop the fire and move the content to bowl. You have now completed the chicken rice!

002 003

STEP 3 :: Making the magic omurice.

  • Clean the surface of sauce pan with kitchen paper and reheat vegetable oil at medium fire. Pour 1/2 of beaten egg and spread evenly across the pan. Stop the fire once the base stick together but not overly cooked. Key is to keep the egg ‘over-easy.’
  • Put about 1/2 of chicken rice from STEP 2 on one side of spread egg. Fold the other side over the rice so it will turn into half moon shape as pictured below↓


  • Place the plate over sauce pan and flip it upside down. Now you have epic omurice served perfectly on your plate.

STEP 4 :: Creating demi-glace sauce.

  • Mince garlic and dried prunes.
  • Heat the butter on sauce pan. Keep the flame at low.
  • Add garlic, sugar, ketchup, balsamic vinegar, Worcester sauce, soy sauce to the sauce pan in that order.
  • Stir consistently until everything blend together. Finally, add minced dried prune.


STEP 5 :: Serve!

Add demi-glace sauce to omurice and garnish the plate with fresh vegetable/fruit of your like. Bon appetit!


Did you liked the recipe? Share your cooking result!









STEP 1 :: オムライスの材料の下準備.

  • 玉ねぎとパセリをみじん切りにします。
  • 鶏肉は筋をきれいに取ってあげて1.5cmくらいの大きさに切ってください。
  • 卵4つを小さめのボウルに割り入れ牛乳と合わせて白身と黄身が混ざるまでしっかりと溶きほぐしてください。


STEP 2 :: チキンライスを作ります。

  • フライパンにバターを溶かし、強火で玉ねぎと鶏肉をしっかりと炒めます。
  • 玉ねぎが透き通ったら塩胡椒少々を加え、中火にしてご飯を加え更に炒めてください。
  • ご飯がパラパラになるまで炒まったらケチャップを加えしっかりと混ぜ合わせます。最後にパセリを加えて混ぜ合わせればチキンライスの完成。
  • チキンライスを別のお皿に移してください。


STEP 3 :: オムライスを作ります。一人分ずつ作っていきます。

  • チキンライスを作ったフライパンを軽く水洗いして、再度火にかけます。サラダ油を熱して、溶き卵の半分を薄く広げてください。フライパンの真ん中部分は火が通りにくいので、菜箸で軽くかき混ぜながら広げてください。広げた卵の端がお箸で持ち上げられるくらいの固さになったら火を止めます。
  • チキンライスの半分量をフライパンの上の卵の半分側に乗せてください。ゆっくりと↓のように反対側の卵をかぶせていきながら形を整えてあげてください。


  • チキンライスを卵の生地に綺麗に包み込むめなくてもOK。大きめのお皿で蓋をしてフライパンをひっくり返してください。オムライスの出来上がりです。

STEP 4 :: デミグラスソースを作ります。

  • にんにくとプルーンをみじん切りにしておきます。
  • 再びフライパンを弱火にかけバターを溶かします。
  • 順番にニンニク、砂糖、ケチャップ、ウスターソース、醤油をフライパンに入れてください。
  • 全てのソースが混ざり合ったらプルーンを入れて完成です。


STEP 5 :: 完成!


