How to live in Mexico City for one day (or 18 hours to be precise)


Friendship is one great reason to go abroad.
Even if your friend is not waiting at the final destination, the fact you are traveling through the foreign territory knowing someone there can assure you a fine taste of purposeful visit.
I had a transit in Mexico City. 18 hour layover before making my way through the security gate and board on the plane to Lima.

Long story short, I was lucky to have friend in Mexico City! This is the sole reason why otherwise dreadful long hours of layover has turned into exciting warm up for my Machu Picchu adventure.
Milo is amazingly talented music composer who I first met in college and we worked together on some film projects in Boston and LA. He now lives in Mexico City with his girlfriend and two beautiful children. It’s been almost 4 long years since I last saw him in LA.

I don’t speak Spanish, though I try and usually say “hablo español un poquito” whenever I make contact to that language with strangers. When I arrived in Mexico City International Airport, it was half past 5 in the morning and waiting in the line through immigration was a tough battle not to fall asleep. There was a large Samsung LCD monitor next to the procession displaying “7 Wonders of the World in 4K.” I glanced at the short program as I waited patiently for the lines to move as slow as earthworms extracting their bodies from the soil. Eventually, my turn to show the passport has come and I tossed the awkward “buenos dias” to the immigration officer.

6:30am — that’s when I retrieved my checked-in luggage (e.g., 65 liter deuter backpack) and finished my early check in process at Aeromexico service counter for onward travel to Lima. From there I had 18 hours to spend in this fourth most populated city in the world before catching the 11:50pm flight.

Reinvigorated by strong morning coffee and anticipation of seeing my friend, I had no plan but to make my way to friend’s house using the double-sided Google Map printout. If this post is not the very first post that you are reading by me and if you’ve read my older traveling posts like this one (thanks for that by the way) then you know how my international travels seldom involve “oversea data plan.” My philosophy is this: why do you need smartphone if you already have the address and general geographical idea where the destination is located? Just ask the locals and find your way there, that’s 120% more fun.

Of course, I had some sort of idea. Aforementioned Google Map printout had the basic instruction on which bus to catch from the airport and how long it takes to get to the station where I should transfer to the next bus. Overall journey takes about 45 minutes and it doesn’t seem that complicated. It shouldn’t have. If only I knew how to decipher the chaotic public transportation system that pumps the blood of this massive metropolis.


First thing I did after exiting the airport was to find the bus terminal.

Well, I promptly failed on that attempt.

Here’s the thing – there was not just one bus terminal around the airport! There was multiple sectors of bus terminals that don’t necessarily take you to the city center. So I quickly gave up on my Google Map idea and asked the man who was wearing the security uniform the method on how to reach my friend’s house somewhere in the southwest region of Mexico City. The man was kind enough to give me suggestions. Again, I do not understand Spanish for most part and his English skill wasn’t anywhere near perfect, however with the visual aid of Google Map printout we “kind of” communicated the task and objectives.

The man escorted me to the main street that looked like a safe zone on the side of highway 101. We stood by the power pole for about five minutes until the minivan full of passengers pulled in to the curb. In Central and South America, it is very common to see these minivan style shuttles everywhere. For most part these shuttles have no business to tourists like me because (a) I don’t live here, therefore I have no idea where it will take me and (b) I look like a perfect example of tourist who doesn’t speak Spanish or know what he’s doing – signed, sealed, delivered, mug me!

So I hopped on the minivan per instruction from the helpful man.

It took about 10 to 15 minutes to the metro station where the taxi driver stopped and told me this is where to transfer to train. Thanks to the man at the airport my Google Map is now upgraded with scribbles of writing that I can follow to reach the destination! I got off the minivan and climbed down the stairs that lead to the metro terminal. The writing on the map tells me my next step is to take the metro and transfer to another bus at the next station.


One definite truth about venturing foreign city on public transportation is that you will most likely miss the exit and/or get on the wrong bus but in the end it all turn into good story to tell. This is why I was rather excited to see various faces of Mexico City outside the bus windows when I realized that the bus I got on was taking me to the opposite direction from the instruction. Because I was now completely lost and made no sense to follow the map, I was forced to use my traveler instinct to find my way to get to friend’s house. Once I got off the bus, I found the metro station with the number painted in pink to indicate the train system. I knew, vaguely, that the bus I was supposed to take was leaving near the crossing at Avenida Rio Mixcoac and Circuito Interior off Avenida Insurgentes so I looked for metro station named “Mixcoac” on the map located near “Insurgentes” and decided to make that as point of transit.


I have experienced several exciting things as well as not so exciting things on my way to friend’s house, including morning rush hour in Mexico City. Trains in Mexico City during the weekday morning are literally hell that you do not want to be in. I learned this hard way after getting mashed between the closing walls of commuters station after station and nearly scrapped my souvenir bag brought for my friend. My mission to reach Mixcoac station was soon aborted and I escaped the living hell that is metro system to breathe smog infused air of the overground world.

The next challenge awaited me as I exited the metro station: I did not know where I was standing at all. Up to this point I was relying on Google Map printout that stretches as far as A4 dimension, but I finally reached outside of that tiny world map. With no way to locate my current position in relation to the map, I decided to catch a taxi that can take me to my friend’s house.

Catching taxi, for beginning, was a very difficult task in the busy morning of Mexico City. I’ve eventually caught two to three taxis before they refused to drive because the address is too far out of the way (?) At my fourth or fifth try, I found one driver who spoke less than mediocre English and agreed to take me to the crossing of Avenido Rio Mixcoac and Circuito Interior. Right on.
The driver, whose name faded from my memory, was a big city transplant from small town near Acapulco. We exchanged few words and rolled out something that could possibly be called conversation. After the longest 8 mile drive, I reached the cross street where the writing on the Google Map indicates the bus stop.
Another thing I’ve learned about Mexico City is that many taxi drivers use their brain memory for road navigation. This seldom works for drivers who recently moved to the city like the one I met. Basically, in order to reach the destination by home address you need to be exceptionally lucky to catch the driver who knows the streets and ways of city by heart. This is a primary reason why Uber is becoming quite popular and why my friend Milo suggested me to take Uber from the airport in the first place. Lesson learned!

It didn’t took me that long to give up on the whole idea of taking bus and instead catch another taxi for the rest of the way. The next taxi I caught was driven by older gentleman who had the GPS system attached to the dashboard.

YES! I pulled the lucky card this time!

This is no Uber, but at least the driver can punch in the address on his GPS and take me exactly where I want to go. It was probably the most relieving moment of my Mexico City experience (so far) when I was seating and watching the driver spelling out my friend’s home address…until GPS decided not to show the street name and shut down by itself. The driver helplessly pulled out old map book from the side pocket and fingered through dog eared pages.
Insert facepalm GIF here.


Milo and I made a plan to meet up at his house around 9am. It was 10:30am when I paid my fare and got off the taxi. The total of journey from the airport took about 4 hours instead of 45 minutes as the Google Map route suggested. Well, it was quite an adventure. When I finally buzzed the door and saw Milo walking out, he greeted me with somewhat worried face. I told him the story and laughed, “You had the real Mexico City experience.”


Four years since I saw him last, Milo was still a full time music composer and started the side project of raising two kids with his girlfriend. Here’s the elder brother Noah smiling mischievously as he plays with his drum kit:


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Reunion in Mexico City was perfected by appearance of Gilda, another friend of mine from school days. Gilda is talented sound engineer working in the music and media industry who I’ve also had an honor to work with in the past for my film projects.

Here’s more pictures from the historic center of Mexico City with Milo, his girlfriend Paulina, and Gilda:

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Even an easy stroll through the busy galleria was enough to understand the energy of this city. I’ve passed many street musicians playing songs freely, and saw a big crowd in front of tiny kiosk TV screen watching the soccer match. Art and history of Mexico unfurled on the building walls and at nightfall streets turned into salsa stages. 18 hours may have been too short to see everything this city has to offer, but I made the best out of that limited time.

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18 hours of Mexico City in little over one minute and thirty seconds:

Thanks again for everything Milo, Paulina, and Gilda!

Milo released his solo album “ARISE” in November of last year. The music I used in the video is one of the tracks from that wonderful album. If you are interested to listen to his beautifully composed ambient music, please visit iTune store at this link.


















実はこれ、ミロが11月にリリースしたソロアルバム”ARISE”の中の一曲なんです。この作品はiTuneから購入出来ますのでご興味があればチェックしてみてください。映画音楽はJohn Williamsを敬愛する彼だからこそというか、正にエピック(壮大で叙情的)といった表現がぴったしな自信に満ちた素晴らしいアンビエント音楽の結晶です。聴いていると自然と気持ちが穏やかになってきます。二児の父親として、今でもロサンゼルスで培ってきた映画音楽家としてのプロフェッショナリズムを大切にし続けているミロの音楽は僕も作業中に流してます。バックグラウンドミュージックというよりも、日常のサウンドトラックといった感覚で。

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