Category Archives: Travel Tips






(1) ポシャッたひとつの大きな理由として旅仲間を見つけるのが難しかったという声があります。確かに長距離の車旅行となると気心の知れた友達とパーティーを組むのがベストですよね。旅行中に喧嘩して険悪なモードになるとか、車という密室の中で生活を共有するからこそ発生しかねないトラブルには要注意です。事前にお互いの生活スタイルやプライバシーの範囲をしっかりと理解し、車内には常に楽しくて心地よい空気を保つことを心掛けていくこと。これは鉄則です。


(2) 大人数のパーティー(4人以上)を組むとなると、旅程日の不都合や突然の変更は付きものです。出発直前に「やっぱ行けない」という事態も発生しかねないので、旅程をしっかりと決めて、参加者全員がそのスケジュールにコミットできるかどうかを早い段階で確認することが大切です。レンタカーや出発前に予約しておかなくてはならない宿泊施設やアトラクション等がある場合は発生するお金の予算をちゃんと数字に起こして参加者全員が事前に代表者に提出するという形で管理しておくことはいいアイディアだと思います。こうしておけばドタキャン率は下がるはずですし、補欠者を探す場合にも各自、責任感が生まれますよね。

(3) 治安や言語の不安で結局ロードトリップやらなかったという声も少なくないです。自分の場合は英語の不自由はないので、言葉の問題は無いのですが、語学留学で英語の読み書きはOKでも会話となると少し不安だったという方で「ロードトリップをしたよ」って声を聞いたこともあります。なので、そう簡単に思いとどまらないでほしいです。



(4) 予算が良くわからなかったので行きとどまるというケースもあります。基本的にロードトリップには以下の出費を予算に組み込むことになります↓

  • レンタカー(自家用車でない場合)
  • 宿泊費
  • ガソリン代
  • 食費・その他のアクティビティー出費

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(5) どれくらい時間が掛かるのかわからないのでやめた。という非常に残念な声も少なくはないです。アメリカという国はめちゃくちゃ広いのですが、大陸横断自体は1週間あれば一応は可能です。あれもこれもアイディアを詰め込みすぎると収拾が付かなくなってしまいますが、地図を開いてピンポイントを詰めていきながら主要時間を計算してみるといいでしょう。



[Google Maps参考ルート]

五年前のことになりますが、ロサンゼルスからボストンまで大陸横断をした時はLos Angeles (California)→Prescott (Arizona)→Santa Fe (New Mexico)→Oklahoma City (Oklahoma)→Memphis (Tennessee)→Columbus (Ohio)→Boston (Massachusetts)のルートで5泊6日の弾丸旅行を敢行しました。時間的には詰め詰めだったので、ひたすらに車を走らせたという記憶のほうが濃厚でしたが(毎日8~10時間ぐらい)出来ない事はないです。グランドキャニオンや国立公園のポイントも押さえるとなると一週間ではさすがに厳しくなるので、各停泊地点までの移動に掛かる時間を逆算してルートと旅行期間を計算するのがキーポイントです。



[Google Maps参考ルート]

西海岸限定の場合は例えばシアトル(あるいは国境越えてカナダのバンクーバー)からPortland (Oregon)→Crater Lake/Klamath Falls (Oregon)→San Francisco (California)→Los Angeles (California)→San Diego (California)といったルートも面白いです。自然が豊富でダイナミックな太平洋の海岸線も魅力的な西海岸はクレイターレイク国立公園や赤杉の森林など見所豊富なので、出来る限り日にちを延ばしてゆっくりと観光してみることをお勧めします。(主要時間およそ一週間)



[Google Maps参考ルート]

東海岸のボストンから今度は逆にロサンゼルスまで東西に大陸を横断するのも素晴らしいです。Boston (Massachusetts)→Cleveland (Ohio)→Chicago (Illinois)→Kansas City (Missouri)→Colorado Springs (Colorado)→Salt Lake City (Utah)→San Francisco (California)→Los Angeles (California)上で紹介した大陸横断のルートが南部から北上して行ったのとは逆に今回は北部と中西部の州をポイントに移動しました。主要時間は一週間。コロラド州とユタ州の間には標高の高い山が多く車の速度も落ちてしまいがちなので最後の数日間は早朝の出発が必至でした。ルート的には砂漠気候の南部とは違い、トウモロコシ畑が多くて比較的平坦な中西部はアメリカの田舎チックさがノスタルジアを醸し出していました。

最初の大陸横断ルートにアリゾナ州のグランドキャニオンを交えるとよりアメリカンなロードトリップに。Historical Route 66に乗りつつアリゾナのほぼ中心にあるFlagstaffの町を拠点に北に向かって一時間半ほどで辿り着けるグランドキャニオンは季節によって渓谷の色が変わり、訪れる観光客を日々魅了しています。









僕の人生初のロードトリップはフロリダ州のFt. Lauderdaleから5日掛けてGeorgia, South Carolina, North Carolina, Virginia, Washington D.C., Pennsylvania, そして最終的にNew Jerseyまで道中人々の良心にすがりながら突っ走るという青いものだった。


今振り返ってみると、がむしゃらにGoogle Mapsでルートを組み立てて行った割には充実としたロードトリップでした。金のほとんどない貧乏学生の自分でも出来たのだから、これを読んでいるあなたに出来ないはずはないのです。それでは最後にロードトリップを計画/実行する上で心得ておきたい5つのことを紹介します。








Google Mapsや宇宙衛星を介したGPSなどは長期のロードトリップには必要不可欠ですが、ネットワークデータは圏外になって使い物にならなくなることが多いのでバックアップとして地図の本かプリントアウトしたルートマップは必ず車に置いておきましょう。実際問題、一度ハイウェイに乗ってしまえば数時間は乗り続けることになるのでデータとバッテリーの節約のためにも携帯はFLIGHT MODEに切り替えておくといいでしょう。











5 best ramen shops you definitely have to stop in Tokyo

Short vacation? Business trip? Your dream trip?
Whatever the purpose of your visit to Tokyo is, you gotta have to try some of the best ramen in the world while you’re there.

I was in Tokyo for the New Years and tried to eat as much ramen as possible while I was there. Although there are so many good ramen shops, here’s 5 “stand outs” that I discovered during the last visit that I would love for you to pay a visit and taste it too:

Legendary Tokyo-style ramen.

How to get there: take JR Yamanote-line (Y) to Sugamo Station and walk for 1-minute.

Tsuta is hidden within the residential area near Sugamo station but you can not miss this place since there is ALWAYS long long line outside the shop that snakes around the corner of residential building. What appears to be just an ordinary small house from the outside is actually one of the highest rated ramen restaurants in the city.

Unfortunately, Tsuta is on the verge of closing its door because of complaints from neighbors for the formation of long line. This being said, it is just a matter of time they announce temporary closure and move to different location that is further and bigger than where it is today. Go there now if you can. Their truffle based broth makes the most flavorful soup in the ramen universe.

(Here’s article on possible closure of this ramen shop – in Japanese)

Get to the storefront by 8:30am, LATEST, to obtain the ticket to secure your spot on the waitlist. Then you will be directed to come back at scheduled time slot to wait in line. Prepare to kill time for next 3-4 hours and come back on time to get in the line. Wait for another hour or so before finally make your way inside the shop and buy your meal ticket. Don’t even bother thinking and get the Shoyu (aburasoba) ramen. Trust me, you won’t regret it. It’s perfection.
Totally worth the wait. One of the best shoyu ramen I’ve ever had (period). Expectation will build up as patience starts to fray; in Tsuta’s case, it all pays off at the end and even leaves high par on your taste palette that makes your further exploration for “good” ramen rather nonsense. Ramen to end all ramens.

After Tsuta: Walk back to Sugamo Station and visit Togenuki-jizou and stroll around the area for great Japanese street food/snack as well as shop for nice old school Japanese handicrafts and Buddha statuettes.

(2) NEIRO-YA (ねいろ屋)
Uniquely original ramen and bomb kakigori (shaved ice)

How to get there:
take JR Chuo-line (C) to Ogikubo Station and walk for about 5 minutes. You will go through a narrow district with full of cool cafe and izakaya and eventually see a building with a lantern with words “ねいろ屋” written vertically hanging by the door.

When it comes to ramen shops you will probably walk in with least expectation for amazing desserts. In Neiro-ya’s case, their kakigori (shaved ice) is part of their specialty. While their tsukemen and daily special ramen are top-notch mouthgasm, you must not forget to order kakigori.

Shout out to chef Hajime, who plays bass in bands Malegoat and Husking Bee, music played inside the shop also makes this place special.

Strawberry and pistachio (I think it was…) 50/50 topping on kakigori. A perfect complement of sweetness to salty ramen.

After Neiro-ya: You should explore the surrounding neighborhood of up and coming Ogikubo. Inazuma Cafe down the street has very interesting collection of manga drawings on the walls and free wifi.

(3) NAKIRYU (鳴龍)
Quite possibly the best tantanmen (spicy ramen) in Tokyo

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How to get there: take JR Yamanote-line (Y) to Otsuka Station (next stop from Ikebukuro Station) and walk for about 8 min. The shop is right across the street from big residential building and has the sign “鳴龍”

Nakiryu is one of those ramen shops that I fantasize about long after the first visit. Their specialty is tantanmen (spicy soy-sauce based ramen topped with minced pork and scallion). If you are new to this ramen sub-genre, it will going to be a great introduction to get your taste bud educated. This savory and delicately spicy ramen is nothing short of culinary explosion. Go there by 11am before the opening at 11:30am. Prepared to be in line for 30 min and prepared to be amazed.

Tantanmen’s soup is so silky and mildly spicy (not very spicy). Side order of small chashu-don (pork belly rice bowl) is a great companion to consummate this sacred ritual of ramen eating. Remember to sprinkle the spice condiments to add extra hook as needed.

After Nakiryu: Wander back towards Otsuka Station and stop at Book-Off (Used book and media store) and/or head to Ikebukuro Station for some great third wave coffee at COFFEE VALLEY (pictured below).

Coffee Valley is the best coffee shop on the northern side of Tokyo that is in walking distance from Ikebukuro train station.

The beautiful art of miso ramen.


How to get there: Go to Ikebukuro Station via train and walk toward Sunshine 60 building for about 5 min using the map above. The shop is kind of tucked inside the restaurant district. There is a Seven Eleven next to the shop and usually there is a big line outside the storefront.

Every morning, the master chef Hanada takes charge of frying beansprouts and miso based soup in the gigantic woks which he masterfully serves with the perfect ratio of broth and decoration of thinly sliced scallions. Hanada’s ramen makes you ponder upon life in its depth of bold miso umami (savory).

Hanada is all about the art of miso ramen. When you walk into the shop you will immediately see a massive iron woks behind the counter seats. Master Hanada’s craftsman appearance definitely shows he’s not messing around with his creation of art, and you can taste the passion in each sip of soup.

After Hanada: Explore Ikebukuro. Sunshine 60 has many attractions including aquarium and planetarium.

(5) RAMEN JIRO (ラーメン二郎・ひばりヶ丘店)
Man vs. Ramen.


How to get there: there are number of Ramen Jiro throughout Tokyo and peripheral prefectures. The one I recommend is the location near Hibarigaoka Station. To get there, take Seibu-Ikebukuro-line train and reach Hibarigaoka Station and walk for 5 min on the main street as pictured above. You can Google for other Jiro locations that may be more convenient for you to get to.  

Are you Jirorian? Ramen Jiro is not just a chain of ramen shops that’s popping everywhere in and out of Tokyo; it’s a lifestyle for avid ramen eaters all around the country. What makes Jiro special? It’s their shameless attitude of pure gluttony that somehow makes it ok since everyone else is eating with you. It’s kind of similar to greasy burger culture in the US that’s so bad for you but it’s soooo good. Jiro is a ramen version of true eat satisfaction.

While every Ramen Jiro serves the same kind of menu, each shop tends to have their “specialty” or “twist” that set it apart from other location. Hibarigaoka location which I am talking about today is particularly known for extremely tender pork. Super yummy stuff!!!!


I hope you are now officially ready for some great, possibly life changing ramen experience. If you are going to visit above ramen shops be sure to get to the storefront at least 30 min prior to opening. In Japan, it is very common to wait in long line to get the bowl of supreme noodle. This wait practice is also perceived as part of eating culture.

Please ask any questions you have, and share this with your friends and family who are traveling to Tokyo!

3 basic tips to find your perfect camera for traveling

If you are not specialist in camera you probably ask your photo savvy friends this question: “which camera should I buy for my travel?” Even though your iPhone can shoot decent pictures and videos, it’s only gonna be decent. Do you want pictures of your dream trips to be less than AMAZING? Here’s something I want to share with you about travel photography.

Over the course of last 5 years or so, I have traveled and hiked around the world with various consumer model cameras from 35mm film to digital and makers from Canon to Yashica; and I have to say each one has its own merit and demerit.

If you are seriously considering to shoot films, you might want to read this post I’ve written about the organic beauty of film photography. Otherwise I’d say stick with digital camera. It’s much easier and versatile to shoot digital photos.

Are you ready to dive in?
Here’s 3 basic tips to help you search for ideal camera:

Shot on Canon 5D MK2 with 50mm Sigma Lens
  1. Know your focal length.
    Longer lens–also called telephoto lens–is a type of lens that gives cropping effect to your overall image. This is type of lens you want to use when you are not able to get closer to the photo subject (for example: lions impending to attack or angry people).
    As a pro tip, this lens often gives dramatic and suspenseful look to the picture because it squashes the distance between you and the subject hence makes it appear larger than the actual size. It’s kind of like seeing through a telescope.

    Shot on Canon 5D MK2 with 50mm Sigma Lens
    Shot on Canon 5D MK2 with Kit Zoom Lens
    Shot on Canon 5D MK2 with Nikkor-H 85mm Film Lens on Adapter

    I use zoom lens that stretches out to about 100mm to shoot photos of resting birds and people in the streets etc without scaring them off.

    Shot on Canon 5D MK2 with Kit Zoom Lens
    Shot on Canon 5D MK2 with 24-105mm L-Lens
    Shot on Canon 5D MK2 with 35mm lens

    On the other hand, shorter lens (also called wide lens) expands the horizon and shows everything that unfurls in front of photographer’s eyes. Shooting Grand Canyon for example is best done with shorter lenses like 18mm to capture the big scale.

    FOR THE STARTER: If you get the camera that has zoom lens with focal length ranging between 25mm to around 100mm you are in a pretty good shape. Extremely wide lenses (or fish eye) and super telephoto lenses are only for crazy people 🙂 I find my “sweet” focal length is between 50-55mm which I find most of my photos are ended up shot on. So I usually just take one prime lens in this focal length for my travel. Simple as that.

    Shot on Canon 5D MK2 with 50mm Sigma Lens
    Shot on Sony A7 MK2 with 55mm Zeiss Lens

    Shot on Sony A7 MK2 with 55mm Zeiss Lens
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  3. Know your shooting condition.
    If you are traveling to somewhere rainy like London/Seattle, you might want to pack something to protect your camera from downpour unless the camera is weather-sealed. If you are hiking along the coastline and trekking through the breaking tides, you MUST be prepared to protect your camera from direct contact with sea water. If you are doing backpacking hike, you might want to pack lighter camera to balance your hiking equipment. Say, Olympus PEN E-P3 or higher end Sony NEX-7 would be great for 2-3 night backpacking trip.

    Shot on Canon 5D MK2 with 50mm Sigma Lens
    Shot on Canon 5D MK2 with 50mm Sigma Lens
    Shot on Sony A7 MK2 with 55mm Zeiss Lens

    I also want to highlight on ISO setting. ISO determines how well your camera takes pictures under little-to-no natural lighting. Higher the ISO number your camera will do well in dark vision. HOWEVER, most cheap cameras will add grainy noises to the pictures when shot with extremely high ISO setting. Sony’s A7 series are still the reliable forerunners on the low light photography game, and their S-series are even known to expose pictures under the moonlight and leave almost zero noise.

    If you are looking for something more casual, pretty much any cameras today has reasonable ISO range so just test shoot something with high ISO setting and see how camera registers the darkness. Apertures on lenses (designated by alphabet “f” followed by numbers like 1.8, 2.8, 3.2,…) also determines how much light can travel into the camera, so if you use lenses that can open to very wide apertures like f-1.4 and f-1.8 your camera will do quite well in the dark places. For this reason I use “bright” 55mm Zeiss lens that opens to f-1.8 on my Sony A7 MK2 that has very high ISO capability (ISO 25,600) and shoot dark cathedrals and night streets with just this one camera.

    Poached Egg Quest #006: Lassen Volcanic National Park from Kosuke Haga on Vimeo.

  4. Video capability.
    If you are ok with mediocre 15 second Instagram videos or Snapchat you can ignore this part. Otherwise, for serious documentarian like myself, recording perfectly in-focus steady crisp video clips of adventure is BIG deal.I have experience shooting videos on my Canon 5D MK2 and was quite happy with the quality of video. I’m not really serious about shooting 4K resolution or anything “cinematic” but do care having decent light exposure and audio recording. In most ways 5D met my expectation, but it was heavy camera and quite bulky for backpacking especially for outdoors.

    So I decided to pick up Sony A7 MK2 last year to see what this world’s first mirrorless full frame camera can do. After shooting bunch of videos and photos using A7 MK2, I am happy to say this camera meets most of my need for travel shooting. 5-axis image stabilization system works pretty well to keep my video steady though it still gives wobbliness in action shots, and auto-focus functionality is very smooth and spot on!

    I really like this camera and I have taken to many hardcore outdoor adventures including Lassen Volcanic National Parks and even Machu Picchu. From event shoots to camping trip documentation, this camera serves well with its light-weight body and full frame HD video capability 🙂

    Cusco Through the Eyes of Curious from Kosuke Haga on Vimeo.

Poached Egg Quest #009: An Evening with Unconditional Arms at Santo Studio (Oakland, CA) from Kosuke Haga on Vimeo.

Bottom line is, it is really your style that determines which camera best suite your need for traveling. Are you a foodie photographer? Landscape aficionado? Adventure photographer? Or rather stick with iPhone and selfie sticks? If carrying around the reliable camera is your style, then now you have 3 basic specs to look at on whichever the camera your friend or Amazon recommend to you 🙂

iPhone camera may quickly die with battery exhaustion and not as effective with cloud sync when the access to network is very limited. You have no such hindrance with actual camera if you carry extra packs of rechargeable batteries and memory cards to keep the snaps going.

I hope you found this post somewhat helpful, and please do not hesitate to ask if you have any questions or need recommendations on camera gears for traveling. If you like this article, please share with your friends and leave comments with your opinions on travel photography.

Bon voyage!

Most of the photos are shot in Baja California, Mexico in 2012 as well as in Arizona, USA and Oxford, UK over the course of 5 years.