Category Archives: Live Event Report

Video is a tiny window to look outside the box. Strictly for your viewing pleasure.

#006 – Lassen Volcanic National Park (Mineral, CA)


When you live in California, you are in constant exposure to variety of geological awesomeness. We have deserts, woods, ocean, and of course volcanoes. It’s a wonderland for geologists, nature enthusiasts and likes.

Lassen Volcanic National Park is full of mystifying nature. After the catastrophic eruption on 1915, the broken mountain soils has yield new life to meadows and created new passages for rivers to flow; the same exact shock that brought death has also spawned new life.
The story of life cycle continues regardless of our human will.

Watch this video in full screen HD for full effect:

We’ve started our Lassen adventure quite early on Saturday morning [5am] and drove from San Francisco towards the northern remote town of Shingletown (Yes. There is a town named Shingletown in California) to enter the park’s west entrance by 9am. Although it was the 4th of July weekend with foreseeable battle to even find a place to bivouac; we were lucky to find a decent camping space in Manzanita Lake Campsite. We were happy about this – as majority of our targeted hikes are located on the west side of the park. If you are planning (or not planned thoroughly) to visit the park for long weekend, I highly encourage you to get here early in the morning to try your luck finding the spot. This is one of the rare campsites where walk-ins actually has a chance to score a decent camping spot last minute.

As soon as we unloaded all the sleeping gears and locked all food supplies to bear box (NOTE: for those who never heard of term “bear box,” it’s essentially a metal vault to keep the food away from bears and avoid mishaps with mentioned unexpected guest) we headed South to Brokeoff Mountain Trail Head. 002 003Brokeoff Mountain Trail Head was somewhat hidden from the main road, it was tuck away in the depth of bushes and we had to walk for about half a mile from Southwest Information Center building via curvy road to reach the entrance. The long expectation to reach the trail head somewhat reminded me of the scene from Stand by Me only lacking the cameo appearance by wild deers. 004 005007The summit of Brokeoff Mountain offered great view of Lassen Peak in the distance as well as patches of green speckled over beige mountain range. Time passed slowly on the top of mountain, and only the clouds were busy above our heads moving along. After spending decent few hour on the summit dozing away on our sleep deprived heads, we finally descent to the bottom to make our next adventure to Bumpass Hell. 008 009On the path down to the bottom – impressive fauna tells the fertility of mineral rich soils.010011 012 013 014Bumpass Hell–as one would suspect its possibly intended pun in the name–is actually the easiest hike in the park to see the best appeal of Lassen’s unique geological feature: hydrothermal pools.
Hiking difficulty from the parking area to the hydrothermal pools is moderate and offers scenic view of distant mountains and crystal clear Emerald Lake. Once you reach the bone white pools of puffing sulfuric steams, you will find yourself amidst the wonder of nature.
Here, pools after pools of boiling hydrothermal create extraordinary ambiance of so-called “hell” that is blisteringly beautiful. 015

016 017 018 019 020 021 023 024After Bumpass Hell, our party continued on the trail to Cold Boiling Lake (which was really cold and rings true to its name) and concluded the hike at Kings Creek Picnic Area. At the end of the trail icy cold Kings Creek greeted us to cool down feet and wash our dust covered faces. 025 026In the video, you see the glimmering crimson sunset over Manzanita Lake. This was my favorite moment of this camping trip. Just as I thought the clouds were muffling the ray of setting sun, the sky blushed magically like its last statement to the rotating Earth. Witnessing the fleeting yet glorious red sunset over Manzanita Lake was something like watching the secret of the planet; like some unexplained mystery of ancient civilization unfolding its truth. 027 028 029Second, and last day in Lassen was concluded by the steep ascension to Cinder Cone. Cinder Cone was like an empty shell of what once has been the untouchables of nature now dormant and only speaks its past through the vacant crater. Sitting atop the caldera and gazing past the distant mountain was meditative experience.

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火山そのものは噴火で吹き飛び無くなってしまっていますが今でも高温度の温泉が沸き立つ地点(Bumpass Hell)や、火山の跡まで上がれる地点(Cinder Cone)もあり、ここの公園でないと見られないポイントは幾つもあります。

泊まりがけで訪れるのであればManzanita Lakeのキャンプ場をお勧めします。このキャンプ場は国立公園としては珍しく予約無しでも場所の確保ができるので、長い週末を狙うのなら早朝に到着しチェックインすることをお勧めします。Manzanita Lakeの美しい湖と湖畔から見る日没は息を呑む程の美しさですので、是非。


#005 – Pride Parade SF 2015 (San Francisco, CA)

Few weeks ago, almost every single Facebook and Instagram post was compulsively captioned with #lovewins. Coincidentally, that was the same week citizens of San Francisco was getting ready for the massive parade weekend. Groundbreaking news that announced the legalization of same-sex marriage in all 50 US States made an obvious impact to the annual event.

Pride Parade, as it is normally, is perhaps the most iconic and colorful event that takes place in the heart of San Francisco every year. Reminded by the story of Milk Harvey portrayed by Sean Penn, the parade demonstrates the history and strength of minority groups and speaks out for their societal equality. If you are in SF at the time of this event, you are in luck to feel the city in motion.

001 002 003 004 007 008 00032 Needless to say, this year’s parade was grand as expected from the influence of the news. However, on the flip side there was also an annoying hint of free advertisement and daftly woven marketing schemes; an allusive array of banners that say #lovewins along with equally conspicuous company logos and campaign names made it seems almost uncool for anyone not doing the same. Aside from overt competition amongst corporations, the whole event was quite a show to watch.

Colorful, as I already called it, is the perfect adjective to describe the explosive energy of this event. Even for the strangers like me, the real happy faces of people transmitted the positive vibes. One girl I met at the parade who just moved from Colorado told me I’m handsome and kissed me on the cheek. How is not that amazing? Love was indeed in the air that day. [end]

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#004 – Cooking: Chicken Cordon Bleu

Today, I’d like to share the world some easy cooking recipe.

Chicken Cordon Bleu (2-3 serving)

– 1lb chicken breast.
– flour.
– bread crumbs (panko).
– 2 eggs.
– cheese (I use Monterey jack).
– ham (I use Canadian bacon).
– toothpicks to hold the stuffing together.
– salt & pepper.
– butter.
– canola oil.
– tomato sauce (I used traditional marinara from Trader Joe’s ®)

– vegetables for stir fry (side dish).

STEP 1: Prepare the Chicken Cordon Bleu.
Slice open chicken breasts into flat sheets like yoga mats. Dice up cheese and hams into considerable size to wrap them up in the chicken sheets—* Wrap wrap wrap*—like how I am doing in the video.

Once the chicken/cheese/hams are rolled up, hold them together with toothpicks (otherwise they will rebel against you and fall apart during the proceeding steps). Garnish the chickens with salt, pepper, and flour and dunk ‘em into beaten eggs. Yeah, that’s right… dressed them well in nice yellow layer!
Finally, powder the chickens with bread crumbs (panko) and you are done with the trickiest part of cooking!001

STEP 2: Cooking the Chicken Cordon Bleu.
Heat the frying pan and melt butter and canola oil. Grill the chickens until both sides are brown. If you use the lid over the pan the chickens will get grilled thoroughly and quicker.
Preheat the oven to 325F and stick the chickens into the oven to bake the cheese and meats thoroughly. Estimate baking time is 25-30minutes depending on how well the content is heated. Use knife or food thermometer to check when the chicken is ready. That’s pretty much it for the main dish!
STEP 3: Prepare the tomato sauce and vegetable stir fries.
While the chickens are in the oven, let’s prepare the tomato sauce and vegetable stir fries for side. 004003
I used Trader Giotto’s Traditional Marinara Sauce which has everything essential to Italian cuisine aside from tomatoes (basil, oregano, garlic). Put a small cube of butter in small sauce pan and heat the sauce *low heat* with bits of cut dried plums and Worcester sauce.
While the sauce slowly sizzles, reheat the frying pan that you used to grill the chicken earlier and stir fry vegetables (I used green peas, zucchini, and minced garlic in the video).

Here’s how the finished dish looks like:
BONUS:  If you want more carbs I recommend dicing up sweet potatoes (Japanese satsuma yam) and boil them in water with small amount of salt and coconut oil. This is very friendly match to Poached Egg Quest style Cordon Bleu. [end]

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+ R E C I P E +

トマトソース(Trader Joe’s ® のTraditional Marinara が簡単でおすすめです)


STEP 1: 下ごしらえ

STEP 2: 調理方法
フライパンにバターと野菜油を熱して、STEP 1で準備した鶏肉を両面がこんがりと茶色くなるまで焼きます。フライパンを覆える蓋のような道具があれば、全体に火が届きやすく調理時間も削減できるのでおすすめです。鶏肉にしっかりと火が通るまで焼いてください。

STEP 3: トマトソースと添え物の準備
上の段階で鶏肉をオーブンで温めている間に今度はトマトソースと付け合せの野菜炒めの調理を行いましょう。トマトソースはTrader Joe’s ® で売っているTrader Giotto’s Traditional Marinara Sauceが即席で作るには一番簡単なのでおすすめです。基本的に市販されているパスタソースなどにはトマトとバジルとオレガノが入っているので何でもオーケーです。僕のちょっとしたアレンジとしてはこのソースにバター少量とウスターソース、刻んだ干しプラムを加えて弱火で煮詰めます。このソースをオーブンで焼き上げたチキン・コルドン・ブルー(そうこの時点で鶏肉はもう美しいコルドン・ブルーに変身していることでしょう)にたっぷりかけて召し上がってください。004003

