#012 – Sebastopol Rising III (Sebastopol, CA)


Flowers, inks, tie dyes, incenses, and palm reading: these are all supplementary elements that contribute to the realization of communal art space that is Sebatopol Rising. Yep, you’ve guessed it right this is like a tiny DIY circle of Burners [*definition – n. People who participate on the art movement known as Burning Man] set in the middle of rural Sonoma county. It’s the spot for artists to come together in receptive and (physically) down to earth setting.

When the summer of love makes impromptu rendezvous with thrashing guitar solo, you get Sebastopol Rising:

Sebastopol Rising is organized by ourWAV, an event production organization started by Sebastopol natives.
Before proceeding any further I must clarify “Sebastopol” is a name of actual place, a small town in the northern region of Sonoma county in California. I’ve been here once before. It’s tiny. It’s rather negligible, but it is slowly growing to become another cool hub for artists in Sonoma, Marin, and other parts of greater Bay Area.

002Matthew Floriani presenting his cool illustration works.003Gary Paintin in working on live painting.004From blatantly Americanized (*cough* fake *cough*) version of Japanese cuisine at Gaijin Ramen to massive second-hand cloth shopping experience at Aubergine Vintage Emporium & Cafe, Sebastopol emits its own unique dark horse aura. The fact of unique small art community that exists in Sebastopol alone easily justifies the hour and half drive from now watered down “flower capitol” of San Francisco for new experience.007006011005I have mentioned the name Aubergine Vintage Emporium, this is a large warehouse style thrift store located in seemingly unfitting center of Sebastopol. The store that appears to be a stop hub for city residents transforms into music and art venue almost nightly. The third installation of Sebastopol Rising took place at this second to none venue and realized with beautiful crowds and groovy music.

Here’s some snapshots from the event:

The Shift traveled all the way from New York and stopped at Sebastopol Rising on their West Coast tour. The song featured on the video is “Dreams” which they recently released with new cool music video.008Lungs and Limbs transcended the crowds to outer space with their trancey pop attack.010Unconditional Arms guitarist Jeff Wright announced to the anticipating crowd they are “instrumental band” before tuning up for the first song. 013My main motivation of attending Sebastopol Rising III was to catch Unconditional Arms play (in case you’ve missed it, I did a write up about this band last month here). After all, the event offered a grand opportunity to discover new bands and learn about the lifestyle in this distant small town. Sebastopol Rising III was successful in a way allowing visitors from elsewhere like me to have a glimpse at terrific artist scene that exists here.009-2Unconditional Arms enveloped the audience with their signature quiet/loud post-rock crescendo. A burst of energy that set the mood for later part of programme.014015012Closing band WATERSTRIDER delivered refreshingly upbeat pop music that immediately transformed bar floor to dance floor. Catchy and irresistibly groovy, they were the perfect closer to Sebastopol Rising III.016 017 018

Here’s some cool artists that I caught at the event that you need to know:

Matthew Floriani (mixed media artist, painter) :: website ::
Gary Paintin (painter) :: website ::

Guthrie Galileo :: website ::
The Shift :: website ::
Lungs and Limbs :: website ::
Spirits of Leo :: website ::
Unconditional Arms :: website ::
WATERSTRIDER :: website ::

Check out ourWAV for upcoming events in Northern California.

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もう一ヶ月くらい前ですが、#009で紹介したUNCONDITIONAL ARMSの誘いで一風変わったフェスティバルに行って来ました。


このイベント一体何?と尋ねられると即答するのが難しいですが(笑)Sonoma近郊の画家やイラストレーターたちがアートを展示したり、地元のバンドたちが演奏したり、一種の学園祭のごった煮のようなイベントでした。まさにSummer of Love (’69) を象徴するかのような雰囲気で、絞り染めのカラフルなシャツを着た人たちがうろうろ。開催者の主目的は定かではなかったけれど、楽しい夏の日を一緒に過ごそうといった印象が伝わる楽しいイベントでした。Give peace a chance!・・・と、言ってみたかっただけ。


Sebastopolという変わった名前の町ですが、ここはSonoma郡の中でも地元熱がアツく、ここにしかないような不思議なお店が幾つか存在します。写真撮り忘れましたが、Gaijin Ramenという明らかに日本人がやってないラーメン屋さんなんかもすごいインパクトで面白かったです。従業員は100%白人で、壁や天井には「二郎インスパイア」ならぬ「ジャパニーズ・インスパイア」のアメコミ調の浮世絵が掛かり、味噌ラーメンも「う・・・うむ」と何とも説明のつかない味で、アジア人の多いサンフランシスコだったらおそらくYelpの1スターレビューは避けられないだろうなというくらい突き抜けてました。開き直り度の高さ、半端無かったです(笑)

SebastopolのランドマークともいえるAubergine Vintage Emporiumは大型の古着屋さんで、外観から見ると牧場のサイロというか収納倉庫の様なアグリーな佇まい。なんでこんな静かで小さな町の真ん中にこんな不似合いな巨大な店があるんだ?と前回来た時から思ってました。で、今回のSebastopol Rising III(三回目なのでIIIらしいです)に参加してみて納得。そう、今回のイベントはこの古着屋さん内にあるカフェのスペースを貸しきって開催されたのです。

このように不思議な町で開催されたSebastopol Rising III。それは一言に学園祭の延長線上を突っ走ってる青春の青い炎のようでもあり、自己表現の場に飢えたアーティストたちが行き着いたひと夏の楽園のようでもありました。こういうイベントが無ければあまり縁のない小さな町ですがSebastopolは一度は訪れてみる価値のある面白い場所です。

今回ビデオで紹介したSebastopol Rising IIIを企画したのはourWAVという地元のクリエイターたちです。北カリフォルニアを拠点に新しいアイディアと表現の場所を提供するために活動している団体なので、ウェブサイトで新しいイベントの情報を入手してプランを立てるのも良いでしょう。


Matthew Floriani (mixed media artist, painter) :: website ::
Gary Paintin (painter) :: website ::

Guthrie Galileo :: website ::
The Shift :: website ::
Lungs and Limbs :: website ::
Spirits of Leo :: website ::
Unconditional Arms :: website ::
WATERSTRIDER :: website ::