#002 – Devil’s Canyon Brewing Company (San Carlos, CA)

Every Friday people from all over Bay Area escapes their office cubicles to hit up the best happy hour in Peninsula. This is Beer Garden Friday event at Devil’s Canyon Brewing Company in San Carlos.

There will be music, there will be food trucks (by Off the Grid), there will be even video game arcade, and yes of course, beers… a cascade amount of beers. Do not hesitate to attend the festivity even if you are non-drinker as this place also serves delicious home-brewed root beers for sober partiers and minors. You will actually be surprised to see how many families with small children are at this happy hour. The place perfectly delivers the inviting mood and has something for everyone.

So in this video I have captured the lively vibe of the event and how the things can get really exciting once the music kicks in. Reminding us beer and music are the best amalgamation of joyous life. I want to take a second and note about the music here – Monkey – is a local ska musicians from San Jose who has been active since the 90s and still going strong with their instantly danceable horn driven crescendo. At every Beer Friday event (particularly the ones on the last Friday of month) the brewery invites various local bands to add spice of music to this feel good gathering of friends and families. Strangers become friends, and real friends get down on the dance floor with you.

Some snaps from the previous Beer Friday:

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So be sure to mark your calendar in advance and not be forgetful about this exciting event (I have been snoozing off for past 9 or 10 months of occurrences). I’m sure your co-workers and friends will appreciate a little outdoor beer garden action right in the heart of Peninsula. After all, it’s Friday!

As a side note, there is also a winery located diagonally across the street from Devil’s Canyon which is also fine alternative if you fancy grapes over grains.

Devil’s Canyon Brewing Company
The brewery is only open to the public on Fridays from 4-9pm with live music, Food Trucks from Off the Grid and are family and well-behaved pet friendly. On the last Friday of the month they keep their doors open until 11pm with 2 bands. The rest of the month the space is an event center available to rent for corporate events, weddings, birthday parties, and other goodies.

Event Calendar: http://devilscanyon.com/events/month/
Event Rental: Events@DevilsCanyon.com

Check out MONKEY for body shaking ska experience!
Go support local scene. [end]
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日本でビアガーデンと言えばサラリーマンにとっては夏場のオアシスといったところでしょうか?カリフォルニアでは気候がほぼ一定しているので一年通して屋 外でビールを楽しめる場所がいくつもあります。今回紹介したいのはペニンシュラの中心、サン・カルロスにあるDevil’s Canyon Brewing Companyで毎週金曜日に催されるBEER FRIDAYなる素晴らしいハッピーアワーです。

ハッピーアワーというとどれくらいハッピーなのだろう?と、意地悪なことを考えてしまう自分ですが、ここのハッピーアワーは本当にハッピーなんです。まず入場料が無料。そして敷地内にはOff the Gridのフードトラックがぎっしり。これだけでも個人的には満足なのですが、工場内のイベントスペースでは地元のバンドが音楽の演奏もしていて、それがまたかなりビールと合うんですね。ちなみに工場オリジナルのパイントグラスを持っていけば割安でビールが買えるので、始めて行くときにはゲットしておくことをおすすめします。

ビデオで使用している曲は前回のBEER FRIDAYでステージに立ったMONKEYというバンド。ホーン楽器がとことんと使われているあげあげのスカサウンドを鳴らす彼らはほぼ地元であるサンノゼ出身です。演奏者の選択も実に巧妙で、前座には60年代ロックっぽいサウンドを出す同じく地元のバンドが起用されていました。



Devil’s Canyon Brewing Company
ビアガーデンイベントは毎週金曜日、午後4時から9時まで。音楽とfood truckも集まり、小さなお子様やペットにもフレンドリーなイベントです。毎月最終金曜日は特別に午後11時までの開催で、地元から選りすぐりの2バンドを迎えて盛り上がります。

Event Calendar: http://devilscanyon.com/events/month/
Event Rental: Events@DevilsCanyon.com

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