Category Archives: Live Event Report

Video is a tiny window to look outside the box. Strictly for your viewing pleasure.

#015 – 924 Gilman (Berkeley, CA)

Changed to comfortable sneakers; dropped off my stuffy jacket in the car; grabbed the low-light calibrated Sony A7II; and oh some pairs of earplug in case of bombarding sound assault.

Here I am in my late 20s entering the now familiar facade of punk rock mecca otherwise known as Gilman.

My first attendance to punk show was to see a slew of underground hardcore bands in the basement of Shinjuku ACB (live house) in Tokyo. I was 16 or so at the time, and disadvantaged by the fact of living in the remote island every opportunity to visit my homeland has turned into a grand opportunity to check out some cool bands and sound style that I was into at the time. Bands that I saw there — Endzweck, the stiff, Nitro Mega Prayer, and Bane — were raising their hyper realistic parabola antennas to emit cacophonic transmission that intersected with my expectation.

If you haven’t been to punk shows in Japan, let me tell you straight up it’s an experience. It’s quite different from here in the US.
First of all, show goers in Japan doesn’t consider smoking cigarette inside the music venue as impolite activity. I’m pretty sure this is illegal anywhere in metropolitan areas of US, but it is just common thing to see in Japan. Not only this naturally occurring smoke effect inside the venue appears rather strange part of culture, it is also very common to see even a small studio size show is quite well attended by people. I have never attended a single studio show in Japan that was not packed like rush hour commuter train. These smaller shows are usually high in DIY spirit starting from tiny refreshment bar and distribution of zines. To make it even more interesting, most of the bands that play at these venues typically draw large fan followers from wide age range as well as cross genre and music popularity. I am confident to say that musical taste of common music listeners in Japan is quite diverse and ever so open to new discovery in comparison to general audience in the US. There isn’t really a clear border between underground and mainstream music in Japan and many interesting things has happened in the music industry that further blurred that line.

I still remember the inexplicable “thrill” that I felt when I first climbed down the narrow smokey stairways to the bottom of Shinjuku ACB. There was zero sign of hipsters or scenesters down there, just a pack of common people who just finished their shitty day at the office or school standing there waiting patiently for music to start. It was this live house environment that greatly influenced me in digging into underground music and expand my taste palette.



924 Gilman is the mecca of Bay Area punk rock where people in the know go regularly to enjoy the music in the way they are intended. Local legends like Green Day, Operation Ivy, and Rancid all hold their roots deep down at this place and thus it is continued to be recognized as one of the most important cradle of punk rock music in Northern California.

Although its tattered and graffitied interior may quickly arouse alert signal to upper class audience who are used to cocktail serving refined concert venues, this is the place to be if you are going to see the legendary (or soon to be legend) punk rock acts. There is really nowhere like Gilman that makes me feel like going to a great punk rock show and also gives me that thrill that I used to taste when I first attended the show as a kid.
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924 Gilman :: Venue Website ::
Creative Adult :: Bandcamp ::
Basement :: Bandcamp ::

#014 – San Mateo First Friday @ The Shop FWP (San Mateo, CA)


I too used to own a typewriter that is now buried in parents’ house somewhere. Though I have not touched the keys of typewriter in ages, seeing this old machinery sitting on store display can transport me back in time and to a place that is somewhere so far out of my memory’s reach.

When you get off the train at San Mateo station have a nice stroll down the arcades of downtown along the railroad towards Draeger’s Market and local’s favorite Yuppie Bar. At the end of 7th Avenue, you will find a small art space with big sign that says “YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL” made of yarns and also a bright red wooden panels indicating this is The Shop. 002If you are lucky to find yourself on this side of downtown on the first Friday of month, you will hear the chuckles of cherub-like kids and social wine drinkers soaking in the moment. If you continue to the direction of sound you will notice some melancholic melodies of electric guitar accompanied by soft singing voice and some poetry reading. This is the First Friday at The Shop FWP (Flywheel Press).004001003007005A creative space dedicated to local art community in San Mateo, The Shop opens its door for various art events and workshops almost every day of the week. The night I stumbled upon there was an art exhibition on the second floor as well as showcase of print works and yarn knitting downstairs.

Check out The Shop FWP’s Facebook page for calendar of events. 006 009blind hand010 011

The Shop @ FWP (309 7th Avenue San Mateo, CA):
“We are a locally cultivated community art & design center where we are manufacturing ideas daily.”

For more info on upcoming classes, events, workshops, and more visit the website.

Blind Hand, musicians featured in the video, is from San Mateo. Follow them on social media.


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CaltrainのSan Mateo駅沿いに広がるにぎやかなダウンタウン。
ここは職場から近いので昼飯やコーヒーを買いに頻繁に訪れる場所なのですが、この小さな憩いの場の存在にはなかなかどうして気が付きませんでした。とある金曜日にカフェで見つけたFirst Fridayのイベントフライヤーを頼りにB通りを南に向かって歩いていくと7th Avenue (ラーメン道場から1ブロックの地点です)に毛糸で作られた大きなYOU ARE BEAUTIFULのサインが目に入りました。


今回参加したのはFirst Fridayというイベントで、同じ名目ではオークランドやサンノゼでも多くの参加者が集まり大々的に賑わうアートイベントです。The Shop店内で行われたのはそのサンマテオ版とも呼べるものでしたが、規模はとても小さく(今回開催していたのはこのThe Shop一店のみ)他の町のFirst Fridayと比べると家族連れが多くアットホームな居心地の良い空間が演出されていました。

今回のビデオにフィーチャーさせていただいた音楽の演奏者はBlind Hand。サンマテオ出身のバンドらしいです。メランコリックな”Mr. Brightside”のカバーも会場のメロウな雰囲気とマッチングしていました。

次回のFirst Fridayも参加してみようと思います。

The Shop @ FWP (309 7th Avenue San Mateo, CA):

Blind Hand :: website ::

#013 – Fourteenth Annual San Francisco Bay Area Peace Lantern Ceremony (Berkeley, CA)


The wind was gentle and water was calm in Berkeley Aquatic Park that day. Many people from different walks of lives has gathered up one afternoon to prepare the ceremonial 1,000 paper cranes (千羽鶴)and lanterns to light the memories of perished souls. What has become my first attendance of the annual San Francisco Bay Area Peace Lantern Ceremony was coincided with the 70th anniversary of end of WWII and most importantly, the world’s first nuclear massacre on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

August 6th, 1945 at 8:16am, the first atomic bomb was dropped from the sky to the city of Hiroshima and instantly took nearly one hundred and sixteen thousand of innocent lives. Subsequently, on August 9th another bomb was dropped on Nagasaki. To this day, survivors of atomic bombs are still suffering from radiation illness and scars of discrimination they received from prejudice against those exposed to radioactivity.001 002 003I was born long after the behemoth fire and black clouds has dissipated from Hiroshima and Nagasaki; but because of my experience living in Guam where one of the most fierce battles of War in Pacific took place, I was always close to the stories told directly from the mouths of families and veterans of war.
My father is a baby boomers so he was not directly involved with the war, but he founded the jungle trekking tour company in the late 90s and supported the peace ceremony activities on the Island to help families trace their footsteps of relatives during the wartime and also clean the memorial monuments in the jungles with local Chamorro whose families were murdered by Japanese in the war. I remember helping my father as *young tour guide and participated on memorial events in Guam (*Yeah, I was merely 14 or 15 when I took the first customers to the boonies of Guam to tell the fable-like stories of Shoichi Yokoi — the last survivor of War in Pacific who was found in the jungle 28 years after the war has ended). The experience was heart cleansing and there was nothing but the content feeling of accomplishment.
So naturally unlike many contemporary Japanese in their 20s, the 70th anniversary of conclusion of war between US and Japan means something closer to me than another scrolling news feed on Facebook.

004 005 006 007

The dropping of atomic bombs in Hiroshima on August 6th, 1945 and Nagasaki on August 9th, 1945 are obviously the topic that continues to matter to all human beings especially in the age of growing nuclear threat.

The event that takes place in Berkeley every year keeps us in alarm and reminding us how our peaceful existence today to be able to live and be with people we love is precious and also fragile. This year, the 14th Annual San Francisco Bay Area Peace Lantern Ceremony brought about 1,500-2,000 attendees to fold paper cranes and decorate lantern facades. This event was organized with total reliance on voluntary, and I have witnessed the amazing turnout from the beginning to the end of ceremony. As Japanese living in the city so distant from home, I really felt thankful and quite meaningful to be there.

009 010 011 012 013 014 015 017 018 019Peace Lantern Ceremony happens every year with the effort of ordinary people living in Bay Area. As you can see in the video, nationality or belief doesn’t matter in the topic of atomic bomb. It is something that we all have to remember to take it to the future.

If my life still keeps me in Bay Area next year, I will hope to attend this beautiful assembly again.

:: Peace Lantern Ceremony Event Page ::
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