#019 – Julia Pfeiffer Burns State Park (Big Sur, CA)


Always feel the good ‘ol “California Dreamin'” blasting off my car stereo as I drive past the flock of out-of-State-tourists who believe their vacation time is the moment of history. One sunny weekend in August, a group of adventurers embarked on a scenic excursion to the legendary coastal resort. Big Sur–a breaking tide whose color is bluer than the bluest of paints–is surely legendary and most beautiful part of California that you must visit in order to claim that you have properly visited California.

Getting to Big Sur from either end of two major hubs of California (Los Angeles on the South or San Francisco on the North) is easy. You just have to take Route-1 all the way. The view of drive along the Pacific Ocean is breathtaking. At one point we have ran into a local artist who was working on the landscape painting. The California born artist told me he moved back from East Coast after several decades of career venture; he said there’s something about California, particularly Big Sur that always pull him right back. An easy glimpse at the Ocean and its sapphire blue reflection doesn’t require much effort to struck my heartstrings either.

Pfeiffer Big Sur State Park is where we based our campground for this weekend trip. It was quite lucky how we managed to book a decent size campsite right by the flowing river. Our campsite was located further in the depth of woodsy park and perfectly sheltered from the wind by tall trees and hills. On the first day, we unpacked our backpacks and headed directly to the river for a short hike… with beer cans in our hands of course.


On Day 2, we decided to do another 12 mile drive southward to enter Julia Pfeiffer Burns State Park for mildly elevated beautiful hike on Ewoldsen Loop Trail (4.5mi). Ewoldsen Loop offered range of natural beauty from redwood forests to grand panoramic view of Pacific Ocean that quickly put us in awe.


Special bonus about Julia Pfeiffer Burns State Park is that even if you decide not to do the hiking, you can still receive one of the most iconic views of Big Sur with ample walk from the parking lot. Julia Pfeiffer Falls is without a doubt one of the most immediately recognizable waterfall that every tour magazine and website uses on its cover page (such as goofy website titled Poached Egg Quest). From the coastal observation point you can admire the wonder of this serene white powder beach tucked away in the cove.


As our day of hiking and sunbathing come close to an end, we decided to stop at tiny town called Loma Vista for an ice cream. Instead of simply concluding the trip with luscious vanilla ice cream, we walked into Big Sur Taproom adjacent to the store for a quick Sunday drink. This action was rather most awesome decision we have made in this trip (which was only surpassed by the In-N-Out burger stop on the way back to SF). Taproom has a very spacious patio in the back where people gather around to play board games and play songs on acoustic guitar. Some sports was on tv and all the good people in the area were there to hang out. Sometimes all it takes is to enter the bar doors to truly appreciate the vibe of the place.

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Near Big Sur Taproom, there was this very hippie garden with cool artifacts.
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All in all, Big Sur is one of the most scenic destinations in California and I highly recommend this place to anyone looking for epic coastal adventures. It’s a place for great outdoors, and Jack Kerouac surely written all about it. The place makes you want to give him another try even if you already decided to hate him.

  • Camping and overnight stay is recommended at Pfeiffer Big Sur State Park check the park’s website for availability and current condition.
  • Famous Julia Pfeiffer Falls is located outside of Julia Pfeiffer Burns State Park and it’s easily accessible by foot without “hike.”
  • Wonderful detail of beautiful Ewoldsen Loop Trail hike can be found on this website.
  • If you are more adventurous and/or been to Big Sur multiple of times, perhaps try Botchers Gap for backpacking.

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ビート・ジェネレーション系の作家ジャック・ケルアックの著書の舞台でも有名なBig Sur。ここだけはちょっと無理してでも絶対に行ってみてほしいですね。

もう2ヶ月前の話になりますが、会社の友達とBig SurにあるPfeiffer Big Sur State Parkまでキャンプに行ってきました。サンフランシスコから車で3時間ほど、さほど遠い場所ではないので週末を利用して気軽に出掛けられるのが魅力です。

僕はどちらかというと山派なのでキャンプをするならヨセミテなどのほうが好みなのですが、海沿いにあるBig Surはまた一味違った魅力を持つ場所です。ルート1沿いにキャンプのできる場所は幾つかありますが、今回利用したPfeiffer Big Sur State Parkはアカスギの林を入った奥地にキャンプサイトが広がっていて、山でのキャンプに慣れた人にも違和感なく楽しめます。

Pfeiffer Big Sur State Parkから更に12マイルほど南に車を走らせるともう一つの州立公園Julia Pfeiffer Burns State Parkに行き当たります。
こちらの公園には旅行雑誌などでもよく取り上げられているJulia Pfeifferの滝があり、観光客も基本的に多いです。滝を見るのには公園の駐車場に車を停めて見に行くのが一番わかりやすいのですが入園料が掛かります。歩くことに問題がないのであればルート1沿いの少し離れた場所に車を停めて展望台まで降りていくのがスマートかもしれません。ちなみにPfeiffer Big Sur State ParkとJulia Pfeiffer Burns State Parkは同じ入場券で出入りが可能なので、どちらかの公園で支払いのレシートをもらってあればもう一方の公園でも使えます。


Julia Pfeiffer Burns State Parkで一押しのアクティビティはEwoldsen Trailのハイキングコースです。中級者向けの4.5マイルのコースは生い茂るグリーンの林を切り抜けて太平洋まで出るバラエティーに富んだルートで、山と海の双方の魅力を存分に楽しませてくれます。

海と緑に囲まれたこのBig Surはまさにベスト・オブ・カリフォルニアの名に相応しい美しい大自然のゆりかごですので、ルート1沿いに長距離のドライブをする際には必ず立ち寄りましょう!

  • Ewoldsen Trailのハイキング・コースはここのウェブサイトに詳しく載ってます。
  • Big Sur付近でおすすめのバックパッキング・コースは?と訊かれたら間違いなくBotchers Gapを推薦します。以前ここでこのコースの魅力を紹介しました。

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