Easy and Deep in Flavor: Marina District Chicken Curry

Tonight, I would like to share the recipe for my latest cooking repertoire. I like to call my chicken curry Marina District Chicken Curry simply because all the ingredients are bought in market and poultry in Marina District of San Francisco. This recipe is based on amazing idea shared by Cookpad.com, and I added some special touch to it. This plate is all about the kick of garam masala and mild aroma of coconut milk so please be sure to gather exactly what I write here to make the magic happen in your kitchen.



ingredients (for 6-8 servings):

(1/2 tbsp) of coconut oil.

[Group A]
(2 pieces) of sliced garlic.
(1/4) of sliced ginger.
(1) minced onion.
(2lb) of ground chicken or turkey.

[Group B]
Salt and pepper.
(4 tbsp) of curry powder [I use Amok curry powder but this could be substituted by any curry mix]
(2 tbsp) of garam masala powder.
(4 tbsp) of flour.

[Group C]
(2 cups) of coconut milk.
(2) dried prunes.

[Group D]
(1) can of diced tomato.
(2 cubes) of chicken bouillon stock.
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(2 tbsp) of soy sauce.
(4 tbsp) of Worcester sauce.
(2 leaves) of bay leaf.

*Half the ingredients for half serving size!


STEP 1 :: Heat the pot on medium fire and put coconut oil.
Add the key ingredients [Group A] in the order of onion, garlic, and ginger. Once the veggies are thoroughly cooked — add ground chicken (or turkey if you wish) — dress the content with salt and pepper and add all the spice ingredients listed in [Group B].

Very first step. Onion, garlic, and ginger should be stirred until it turns mild brown:003
This is how it looks after spices [Group B] get added to the mix.004

STEP 2 :: Add 2 cups of coconut milk. If 1 can of coconut milk is not sufficient, you may add water to substitute. Also add dried prunes at this timing to add a little sweetness to the spiciness.

Coconut milk is added and cut dried prunes are dropped in.005

STEP 3 :: Finally, add the remainder of ingredients in [Group D] and stir the pot well. Close the lid and continue heating on low fire until the content blend nicely. Serve with steamed rice or potato.




Please leave a comment about your experience and share this to your friend who LOVES curry! This is by far the easiest and most delicious curry I have built by my own. Adding mushrooms and other vegetables in STEP 3 can enhance the variety of this recipe.
Must try!

Caught in Atmosphere – Chapter 4 : Death Valley National Park

So many beautiful people in this world.
I constantly feel the need to express appreciation towards all the encounter and affection shown by friends.
Yet it is unfortunate such heart of appreciation can easily be diminished by certain frustration that exists in daily life. It’s tough.

It is especially after experiencing the perfect isolation the sense of appreciation towards human connection revives. I consider this is meaningful contrast that has value to practice by traveling alone and far.

This series of “Caught in Atmosphere” may somewhat become recollection of my journey that was completed two months ago. Coming back to these photos and notes from the road I can definitely feel the after effect of the adventure. It was effective method to remember there are certain people in my life that give me sense of community and home, and therefore I must be thankful.

Death Valley National Park which became my next point of interest was strangely isolated place. It was a strange place for being so terribly big and lowest point in the country, yet there was undeniable appeal to experience all that.



時たまに大自然の中にぽつりとひとりで置き去りにされた気分を味わいたくなる事がある。ここ数週間に渡って送り続けているこのCaught in Atmosphereシリーズではアメリカ南西部の名所を取り上げながらそんな僕の漂流記を綴っているが、こうやって旅が終わり二ヶ月も放置した写真やメモを振り返ってみると更にこの漂流記には意味ある孤独感が滲み出ているような気がする。



ここで紹介するデスバレー国立公園とはアメリカのカリフォルニア州シエラネバダ山脈にある国内で最大の面積を持つ国立公園である。ここにはBad Water Basinという海抜下86mに位置する大地やGolden Canyonといった地表の色鮮やかな山脈が広がっている。他にも砂漠地帯ならではの砂丘なんかも見れたり隕石の落ちたクレーター跡も見所に含まれていたり、リピーター客が多いのも納得の大人気の場所だ。



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Look at these faces of earth’s foundation – and look again.
Do they all look same to you? …well, let’s put aside the fact I shot these photos on black and white film and digital lol
Don’t you think they all look completely different from one another? When the clouds disperse the sunlight to reach the mountains from different angles, they show very unique countenance.

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Let’s talk a little bit about the name of this place, Death Valley.
This place transforms to brutal heat death zone during the summer. Mountains around the basin function as insulator to trap the sun heat below the atmosphere; making the place unbearably HOT. The highest temperature in the world was recorded here in 1913 at 134F. Who said Californian weather is nice all around?


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Coming here in winter is somewhat different experience from what could be expected in summer. It is quiet, peaceful, and beautiful place to visit and the backdrop of blue Sierras brings life to the bad land.


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Another interesting name on the park’s massive map: Devil’s Golf Course. Dare to play 10 hole game here with the damned (or Ozzy). The secret behind this rugged and spiky field is sodium crystals accumulated over centuries and millenniums.

悪魔のゴルフコース〜ここはデスバレーで最も低い場所にあるBad Water Basinの一部だ。地獄の針山のように鋭利な地表はまさに悪魔の遊び場そのもの、長い歳月をかけて蓄積された塩岩が白骨のような色をした斑模様を加えている。

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The day at the valley of death ends with sunset over Sierras.

Tracing the paved highways back to Las Vegas where my friends are waiting, another chapter of my journey has concluded with success.

(to be continued…)





Caught in Atmosphere – Chapter 3 : Zion National Park

Missing the chance to get back on the road again.
Thus I went back on singing songs learned on the road.

The message of short daylight is a blues sang by the winter’s strings; only the interested will travel long distance to hear it.



Zion National Park – December 29th, 2014 – ザイオン国立公園

The end of the road is where the trail to angel’s landing point starts.
On the last days of December I drove to Zion National Park from Las Vegas to witness the garden of angels (w/ Mojave 3’s Ask Me Tomorrow playing as background music).

手中に有り余る自由と砂漠の幻想に誘われ僕は、12月の終わりにレコード屋で買ったMojave 3のAsk Me TomorrowのCDを車のステレオで聴きながらユタ州のザイオン国立公園へ向かったのでした。

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The park was clearly in season and fully functional with parking lot filled up with avid hikers and likes. Luckily, I was able to wedge my car into the small section near the trailhead to “Angel’s Landing.”
Leaving the seat of rental car after nearly 3 hours of straight driving from Vegas, I could finally feel my legs are getting ready for long and winding hiking trail. Going up on the steep mountain trail was quite tough, but after several miles of ascending switchbacks the trail decided to show a little mercy on challengers. Once I passed the sign for junction, the vast scenery opened up and welcomed my small presence to the angel’s garden.


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The view from the summit of Angel’s Landing was breathtaking to say the least. The summit itself appeared like ever growing horn of animal that continues its way to reach the heaven. Silence was surrounding the air, and so was the elusive winter daylight. The moment on the top of Angel’s Landing reminded me of serenity on the Panorama Trail in Yosemite and early morning in Grand Canyon. It was a perfect silence that permanently burned into my ears until I am completely deaf.


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All in all, Utah is a wonderful state for outdoor enthusiasts for its location in the heart of Grand Circle. There are numerous national monuments in this region that takes many cycles of generation for human being to fully discover. Although my visit to Zion was very short, I know I will go back there again in near future especially now I know a little bit of way to get to the angel’s garden 🙂

