Caught in Atmosphere – Chapter 1 : Sedona, Arizona

On one week long vacation in December, I have embarked on some road trip in Southwest US. The first 4 days of itinerary looked like this: Las Vegas to Flagstaff, Flagstaff to Sedona, Sedona back to Flagstaff and back to Las Vegas then I have the other half week to explore the other areas of Southwest from Vegas. It was perfect plan set for the time frame. My friend Jon — who has initially projected this idea to me one week prior — put on his driver’s hat and maneuvered his Infiniti to the border of wintry desert and frozen field of snow where no brave men (or tires without chains) should bother to visit during this time of year.

Day one stated early in North Las Vegas. Infiniti peeled out from the garage with everything we needed for road trip: day packs, FM transmitter, cameras, cop radio detector, and pre-cooked meal with everything from the fridge. But then off course we circled back few times to the house until we gathered everything that slipped off the must-have list… such as wallet.

After about 4 hours of driving from Vegas, we made our way to Flagstaff Arizona. At Flagstaff, we stayed at International Hostel located conveniently in the center of Old Town Flagstaff. It was Christmas Day and the hostel was almost fully booked by people who can obviously care less about it. Weather was cold outside, and the temperature was hitting close to 30s. So Jon and I decided to explore the city to freeze our asses off. I immediately regret the mistake of not taking the mug of warm rum drink that was offered at the hostel. In a second glance, snow started to fall onto Flagstaff suburbia.

Old Town Flagstaff was actually nice place to explore. I quite enjoyed the historic feeling in each stone building and locally owned restaurants and bars. Dinner I had at one of the Italian restaurants in the area was extremely delicious (I believe it was called PASTO) and local coffee roasters (Firecreek Coffee Company) was so awesome. Definitely recommend visiting if you are in Flagstaff!


北ラスベガスから車で4時間ほどでアリゾナ州の中央部Flagstaffに到着。初日はここにあるHostel Internationalに宿をとり、零下を下回り雪がちらつき始めた町を散策しました。Flagstaffは北アリゾナ州立大学もある学生の街で、僕たちの活動拠点になったエリアには土産ビールの製造所やローカルスタイルのコーヒーショップもありました。近くにはAmtrakの鉄道の駅があり、有名なRoute 66 Historic Highwayも通っていました。

Flagstaffといえば誰しもが思いつく(はずな)のが北米最大の渓谷であるGrand Canyonです。これはアリゾナ州の別称Grand Canyon Stateにもなっていますね。冬場はスキーやスノボー客ばかりですが、春夏になるとGrand Canyonに向かう家族連れの旅行客で賑わうそうです。宿泊したInternational Hostelではニューヨーク州からカリフォルニアへ移動している途中のギター狼二人衆 [下の写真にも写ってます] や同じくアリゾナ州の南部フェニックスから自転車でGrand Canyonへ向かっている途中という日本人の研修員にも出会いました。冒険家がひとときの休息を得るために立ち寄る場所、そこはまさにアメリカンドリームの中間点のような所でした。


Flagstaff, AZ

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DAY2 in Arizona started before sunrise. It was frigid morning. We started the car ignition and shivered inside for a while until the interior started to gain some heat so we can comfortably start the adventure to witness the beginning of day in sacred Sedona.

It was easy for Google to tell us that Airport Mesa is the most popular spot to catch the sunrise followed by Cathedral Rock then Bell Rock. We had no set plan as to what we will do in Sedona, so we defaulted our first destination to Airport Mesa.

When we arrived at the summit of Airport Mesa it was still very dark with a tinge of daylight spilling a bit of gradation beyond the horizon. Surprisingly there were already handful of people setting up cameras and anticipating for the sun to rise. We found some comfortable rock to sit on and plead for the sun to appear – it was dead cold.

As the minutes turn to hour we saw the gradual change of light intensity on the horizon. Night in the middle of nature is a creature that moves in stealthy motion through the elongated time to capture preys. All of my childhood fear of darkness congeal into solid form and covered my existence.  It was until the sunrise that dispersed my fear I stood in awe of this total darkness.

When the sunlight hit the furthest reach of rocks to unveil the shadows, I have witnessed the beautiful landscape of Sedona for the first time. Red rocks were dressed up in pinkish reflection of light and whispered the advent of new day as the brightness grow in each passing moment.

二日目は夜明け前にFlagstaffより南のSedonaへ。45分程度のドライブでSedonaに到着。朝日を見るのにベストというキーワードで検索を掛けてVORTEXと呼ばれるパワースポットの一部であるAirport Mesaの岩場まで車で上がりました。

Airport Mesaに到着したのは日の出の30分前。まだ辺りの世界は夜の闇に沈み込んでいましたが、早起きのカメラマンや冒険家たちは既に岩の頂上で陣取っていました。去年行ったアンコールワットもそうでしたが、漆黒の夜空というのは神聖な場所に常にとても厳粛な重みを与えますね。夜の絶対なる暗闇は朝日の到来によって再び世界が色彩に満たされるまではとても冷たく残酷なもので、我々はその「闇」の支配力に屈するほかありません。神聖な場所が神聖であるとされる理由はおそらく夜の深い闇と謎に対する人的な畏怖心がそれを拡大しているからなのかもしれません。


Sedona, AZ

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After the epic sunrise we left Airport Mesa and stopped at the visitors center to get information on hiking trails. After looking at variety of options we decided to go for Boynton Canyon Trail.

Hiking trail was mildly-strenuous with pretty consistent elevation change (merely 700 ft change). Total hiking distance was about 6 miles round trip so we were able to start the hike relatively later time in the morning and still managed to return before late afternoon.

At the beginning of trailhead there was a split path to the vista point. I heard the sound of flute in the direction of vista point – moved by curiousity, I turned to the direction of sound and weaved my way through the desert and spire of rocks. There it was, a man on top of towering rock playing songs on flute.

The view from the top of rock was breathtaking to say the least. Robert, the man with flute, gave us pieces of heart made of stone and told us how special this place is. We enjoyed the grand vista of Sedona and thanked Robert for what he was doing, playing music. This brief encounter with one hippie soul and silence that is undisturbed from the world below was very memorable moment of this hike and also a perfect introduction to what Sedona could mean to human being.


ダイナミックな岩山の合間を縫うように車を進ませ、Boynton Canyon Trailの入り口へ到着。ハイキングは往復で大体6マイル程度のコースで、初心者向けといえるものでした。序盤の眺望の良さげな岩場から笛の音が聞こえる・・・と思いその軽快な音色を追いかけて岩をよじ登ってみると「いかにも」ヒッピーなおじさんが気持ち良さそうに癒しの音楽を奏でているのを発見。
「勇気」「風」「静寂」などといったテーマの曲を一通り吹き終えたおじさんは僕たちにセドナのハート(ハートの形をした石)を分けてくれました。一期一会の素晴らしさにここでも感謝しつつ、Boynton Canyonの渓谷を目指し更に先へ先へと進んで行きました。

これはBoynton Canyon Trailをハイキングしている様子です。

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After completing refreshing 6 miles on Boynton Canyon we drove back to the center of Sedona and made short stop at “Chapel of the Holy Cross” where two major Vortexes supposedly intersect to create massive energy.

As you can see from the picture below the chapel appears rather creepy to common eyes. A cement cross penetrate into the middle of rocks. Hmm… interesting. The chapel was overcrowded by tourists and its accessibility by car was causing some serious traffic en route. We did not spend too much time here aside from gazing at the glorious Cathedral Rock in the distance.


心地よいハイキングを終えた後は2つ目のVORTEXのあるというChapel of the Holy Crossへ移動しました。下の写真をご覧になるとわかるように十字型の教会が岩山の中腹に生えるようにたたずんでいるという奇妙な光景でした。教会の中は観光客でごった返していて、とても騒がしい場所でした。VORTEXによる特別なパワーがある場所だとしても、これだけ騒がしかったら何にも感じられないだろうなというのが僕の印象です。夜間、人ごみを避けて平静な時間を得られたら瞑想に耽ることも出来るんだろうけれど。

ただロケーションは最高に良く、教会のある場所からは遠目にCathedral Rockの荘厳な姿が見えました。

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After the chapel we drove towards the direction of Cathedral Rock where we saw from the top of hill. We made a stop at the craft shop on the way and enjoyed complimentary wines. Got a good buzz and relaxing break from the long day of hike.

夕暮れも近くなって来たので最後は日没を見に最大のVORTEXの所在地であるCathedral Rockを目指して更にドライブ。道中、民芸品やショットガンを売ってるネイティブなお店で小休憩をしていたらあっという間に時間が過ぎてしまいました。

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So we got slightly drunk after the craft shop, but finally made it to the spot where we can catch a good view of Cathedral Rock. We could not make it to the summit of Cathedral Rock this day, but the view of Cathedral Rock getting consumed by the nightfall was still pretty epic to see even from distance.

そしていよいよ日没のカウントダウンも近づき、Cathedral Rockの正面までやってきました。登山は明日にまわし、この日は離れた場所から夕陽に色を変えていく岩山を観察。


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Since we did most sight seeing on previous day, we decided to cover the remainder of things to do in Sedona on the third day. First, we drove to the West Fork Oak Creek Trailhead and hiked back and forth on this popular trail (6 miles).

Just like Boynton Canyon Trail, the trail eventually took us to the converging point of canyon where grandiose shelter of rocks stand tall to inspire us. On top of flat rock we sat down and enjoyed the sculptural artwork of nature.

翌日も引き続きのセドナ冒険で公園の北側にあるWest Fork Oak Creek Trailというコースを歩いてみました。凍結した川や木々は深まる冬の物悲しさを讃えながらセドナ国立公園全体を囲む神秘的な大自然の表情をじっくりと見せつけてくれました。両手の感覚が麻痺するほどに冷えきった朝の空気の中、川の流れに沿って歩き続けること2時間、突然森が開けて渓谷の中心部に出てきました。岩壁に向かって突き出た地面が平らな岩盤だったのでその場で寝そべって周りの景色を思い切り満喫しました。砦のようにそびえ立つ紅白の高い岩に囲まれて外界から遮断されたその場所は針の落ちる音さえ聞こえてきそうなくらいに静かでした。岩壁を凝視していると猿やピューマといった動物の顔が現れてきました。中には仏陀の頭のようなありがたい形をした岩まで。あなたにはわかりますか?

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Now it’s time for the grand finale of Sedona adventure: Cathedral Rock Trail! We parked the car by the trailhead and started the hike just in time for the sunset. Although the trail distance is merely 0.75mile this is no easy cheesecake hike by any means. It was a cardiovascular murder with absolutely no mercy on incline. The view from the summit is a well deserved prize for the challenger and here is how I mean (cue sunset pictures).

往復4時間程度のWest Fork Oak Creek Trailを踏破し、日没のタイミングに合わせて昨日遠くから仰いでいたCathedral Rockの頂上を目指して最後のハイキングへ出発。

Cathedral Rock Trailは片道0.75mileの短いコースながら一方的に登りのルートなのでこういう場合は一切の息抜きをせずに一気に頂点まで上り詰めるのがベストです。一旦休憩癖が付いちゃうと先に進むペースが遅くなります。ハイキングというよりは岩の急斜面の所々に彫られた凹みをうまく利用して身体を持ち上げていくといったほぼロッククライミング状態のコースなのですが周りに視界を邪魔する木や障害物もあまりないので上に上がるほどに見晴らしが良くなってくるという達成感抜群のコースでした!

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3 days in Arizona went by like a wind and we were already on the road back to Las Vegas. Making a stop for another inadvertent adventure on the way of course.

Stay tuned for next chapter featuring the stories from Gold Strike Hot Springs.


(to be continued…)

Go Out and See the Best Part: Backpacking Weekend to Bottchers Gap to Pat Springs (16 miles )

If there is a hiking trail might as well take it all the way to the end.

Hiking is perhaps the easiest outdoor activity to start, since it does not require expensive professional equipments to begin. However, it is infinitely challenging – this is something you will know once you finish the first strenuous hike and start to hear more stories about other amazing places that require longer distance and higher elevation hikes. Once you get to the point where overnight hiking (it’s called backpacking) is something not too intimidating, you are probably one of us crazy hikers.





Backpacking is my favorite type of hiking. Basically, you enter the trail with all the essential gears including tent, sleeping bag, sleeping pad, and food and camp in the middle of nature along the trail to hike further to more dramatic (or what I prefer calling EPIC) sites. When you pitch the tent in the middle of field soon you will realize there is very feeble cellphone reception to set your head back to the city. In the wild, the pace of passing time is as arbitrary as wind. You wake up with the sunrise and sleep as the moon glows brighter than your torchlight; time count on the watch does not necessarily take control of your day cycle here in the wild.
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When you camp, you may also find true appreciation in food. It is sometimes amazing to feel *pure hunger like the one you feel at the camp site.

*Pure hunger is body’s urging call to refuel after 4 hours of hiking with 20-30 lbs of weight on your back 🙂


I cannot say that I play good part in protecting the environment on day to day basis, but being out in the nature even just for a weekend really makes me conscious about using the available resource wisely. Less is usually more, or better to say more can only become burden when it is excessive. Just like Buddhist monks who go out to the mountain to detach themselves from all the societal greed to enter ‘satori’ (self-realization), quiet and uninterrupted “clean” mind can truly aid one’s will to find inner peace. Take only what you need and cherish it. Enjoy it while it lasts. When there is less noise to come in to your ears your mind will be focused sharper. I cannot recommend more about backpacking to anyone my age who lives on the busy cross streets of technology. If you are alive and well, it is almost crime not to do it. You are missing out what this incredible world has to offer.

+Photos are taken at Botchers Gap Trail in Central California located near Big Sur. Pictures on top of the mountain with campfire and people are taken at the Pat Springs Campsite located approximately 7 miles into the trail. 1st Day of hike concluded at this campsite and turned back following day on the same trail to the trailhead with additional 2 mile extra hike to Mt. Carmel. The total distance of hike was approximately 16 miles. Elevation gain ~2500ft.


(English translation below)




Home is where the heart is. Yes, it’s been said million times before.
Any places can become home including the ones you don’t really love; home is a concept that keeps you situated in one location and gravitates you toward the circle of friends and family where you find comfort. However, there is only one place in this universe that occupies the special space in your heart, mind, and soul despite the distance from it. To me, Tokyo is the home where story of my life (literally) began.

Five long years and thousands and thousands of miles later, I have finally made it back to the land where everything started.

海外永住日本人の特権としてJapan Rail Passの利用権利があります。これは1~3週間の枠組みで新幹線を含めたJR系列の交通機関を自由に乗り降り出来るという優れた定期で、自分のように限られた時間で帰国するものにはまさに翼を与えるような素晴らしいものなのです。



Since I am permanent resident outside of Japan, I have a privilege to use JAPAN RAIL PASS  – an amazing pass that can get you far and deep into Japan in terms of transportation!

If you are visiting Japan for over 5-7 days, or want to experience real culture of Japan I will say “Don’t think about it and get JR Pass.”
Yes, the upfront price for these passes may appear bit intimidating for budget travelers, but in reality you will make the money’s worth.  For example, one of the most common visiting route is Tokyo-Kyoto-Osaka and back. This route is best taken via Shinkansen train as it is not only the fastest but it also get you directly to the heart of cities. Also, as a plus Shinkansen trains zoom right by the worldly known Mount Fuji and also many old castles along the way. Shinkansen train fare for this route can easily cost about the same or higher than the current price of 1-week pass (as of January 2015). If you want to make the best out of precious visit to Japan, there literally is no better option than getting JR Pass. I feel extremely lucky for being privileged to buy this pass because it usually is only available for foreign visitors.

Here below I will post film photos from:
1: Saga-arashiyama, Kyoto.
2: Kobe City, Kobe.
3: Mount Rokko and seasonally colored hiking trails.
4: Nasu-Shiobara Hot Springs Resort Area & Haneda Airport.

Hope you enjoy 🙂


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今回の関西訪問は大阪を拠点としましたが、二日目と三日目は更に西へ進み兵庫県神戸市に滞在しました。三宮ではCouchsurfを通して知り合ったfreespirited travelerのChisatoさん宅にお世話になり、翌日は美味しい水で有名な六甲山を登り三大名湯のひとつ有馬温泉を訪れました。




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